about - mychione; mysh
about me - moom
about you - mood
about to - er-çhee
above - erskyn
absent - assairagh
accent - blass
according to - coardail rish; rere
account - coontey; accounts - coontaghyn
accountancy - coontysseyraght
accountant - coontysseyr; accountants - coontysseyryn
activity - roortys; activities - roortyssyn
accustomed - cliaghtey; cliaghtit
AD - BNJ (Blein Nyn Jiarn)
address - enmys; addresses - enmyssyn
adult - fer aasit, dooinney aasit (male); ben aasit (female)
adults - sleih aasit
advice - coyrle
aeroplane - etlan
affording - foardrail
after - lurg; erreish (da)
afternoon - fastyr
afraid: being afraid - goaill aggle
age - eash
again - reesht; again - reeshtagh
against - noi; against him / it - noi
ago - er dy henney
agreeable - coar
agreement - coardailys
air - aer
air hostess - caillin-etlan; air hostesses - caillinyn-etlan
airport - purt-aer; airports - puirt-aer, purtyn-aer
airy - aeragh
alive - bio
all - ooilley, ooiliu
allowed - lowit
allowing - lowal (da)
almost - bunnys
alone - lomarcan
already - hannah
also - neesht
although - ga dy
always - kinjagh
am - ta
amount - mooadys
amusing - aitt
American - Americaanagh
among - mastey
ancestors - shennayraghyn
and - as
anew - ass y noa
angry - corree
answer! - freggyr!
answering - freggyrt
answerphone - çhellvane-freggyrt
anxiety - imnea
any: veg; any house - thie erbee
anyway - aghterbee
appearance - cummey; appearances - cummaghyn
apple - ooyl; apples - ooylyn
applicant - yeearreyder; applicants - yeearreyderyn
appointed - pointit
appropriate - cooie
April - Mee Averil
archeology - shenndaaleeaght
are - ta
arguing - arganey
argument - arganys
around - mygeayrt
arrange! - reagh!
arranged - reaghit
arranging - reaghey
arresting - goaill seose
article - art; articles - artyn
as: as soon as - cho leah as
ask! - brie!
asking - briaght
assistant - ben-choonee (female); fer-coonee (male)
at - ec
at all - erbee; er chor erbee
at her - eck
at him - echey
at it - echey, eck
at me - aym
attacking - soie er
at them - oc
at us - ain
at you - ayd; eu
August - Mee Luanistyn
aunt - naunt; aunts - nauntyn
author- ughtar; authors - ughtaryn
authority - lught-reill
awake - dooisht
away - ersooyl
awful - agglagh
baby - babban; babies - babbanyn
back (behind): cooyl
back: coming back -çheet erash
back - dreeym, dreem; backs - dreeymyn
backbone - craue-drommey
bad - olk; drogh
baker - fuinneyder; bakers - fuinneyderyn
ball - bluckan; balls - bluckanyn
Ballaugh - Balley ny Loghey
bang - polt
bank - banc; banks - bancyn
bare - lhome
Barrule - Barooyl
bath - tobbyr-oonlee; baths - tobbyryn-oonlee
bathroom - shamyr-oonlee
battery - kishtey-pooar; batteries - kishtaghyn-pooar
bay - baie
beach - traie
beautiful - aalin
bed - lhiabbee; beds - lhiabbaghyn; of bed - lhiabbagh
bedroom - shamyr-lhiabbagh; bedrooms - shamyryn-lhiabbagh
before - roish my; my
before them - rhymboo
begin! - gow toshiaght!
beginning - toshiaght; goaill toshiaght
behind - cooyl; çheu-heear (jeh)
Belfast - Beeal Feirshtey
believing - credjal
belly - bolg; bellies - builg
benefit - foays
beneficial - foaysagh
better - share
beseech! - guee!
beseeching - guee
best - share
between - eddyr
bicycle - roar; bicycles - roaryn
big - mooar
bill - coontey; bills - coontaghyn
biology - bea-oaylleeaght
birthday - laa-ruggyree
bite - greim
bitter - sharroo
black - doo
blocked - blockit
blouse - bloose
blown - sheidit
blue - gorrym
board - boayrd; boards - buird
boat - baatey; boats - baatyn
bold - dunnal, daaney
bone - craue; bones - craueyn
book - lioar; books - lioaryn
booked - bookit, claarit
booking - bookal, claaraghey
boring - dree
born - ruggit
brake - glackan; brakes - glackanyn
brave - dunnal
bread - arran
break! - brish!
break - brishey
breaking - brishey
breakfast - anjeeal
breath - ennal
breathing - tayrn ennal
bright - gial
Brigid - Breeshey
bringing - cur lesh
British - Goaldagh
British person - Goaldagh; British people - Goaldee
broad - lhean
brother - braar
brothers - braaraghyn
brown - dhone
brush - skeab; brushes - skeabyn
build! - trog!
building - troggal
bulb (light) - cruinnag; light bulbs - cruinnagyn
burning - lostey
bus - barroose; buses - barrooseyn
business - dellal
bus station - stashoon-barroose
busy - tarroogh
but - agh
buy! - kionnee!
buying - kionnaghey
by - liorish
cable - caabyl; cables - caabil
Calf: the Calf (of Man) - yn Cholloo
call out! - yll!
calling out - (g)yllagh magh
calm - kiune
calming - kiunaghey
came - haink
can: I can - foddym; we can - fodmayd
capital - ard-valley
car - gleashtan; cars - gleashtanyn
card - kaart; cards - kaartyn
care - kiarail
careful - kiarailagh
caring - kiarail
cartoon - cartoon; cartoons - cartoonyn
cassette- kishteen; cassettes - kishteenyn
castle - cashtal; castles - cashtallyn
Castletown - Balley Chashtal
cat - kayt; cats - kiyt
cat food - bee-kayt
central heating - çhiass banglaneagh
centre - ynnyd, laare; mean (middle)
cereal - grineyn
certain - shickyr
certainty - shickyrys
change, changing - caghlaa; changes - caghlaaghyn
changed - caghlaait
channel -ammyr; channels - ammyryn
character - karracteyr; characters - karracteyryn
character - ambee (personality)
chat - cowag; chats - cowagyn
chatting - goaill cowag
cheap - neugheyr
cheerful - gennal
cheese - caashey
chemistry - kemmig
cheque - sheck; cheques - sheckyn
chief - ard
child - paitçhey
children - paitçhyn
choice - reih
choose! - reih!
choosing - reih
Christ - Creest
Christianity - Creestiaght
church - keeill; churches - kialteenyn
cigarette - jaaghag; cigarettes - jaaghagyn
cinema - thie-bee; cinemas - thieyn-bee
city - ard-valley
classical - classicagh
clean - glen; a clean house - thie glen
clean! - glen!
cleaning - glenney
close! - dooin! jeigh!
closing - dooney, jeigh
clothes - eaddagh
cloud - bodjal; clouds - bodjallyn
cloudy - bodjallagh
club - club; clubs - clubbyn
coal - geayl
code - coad
coffee - caffee
cold - feayr
cold: heavy cold - murran
college - colleish; colleges - colleishyn
come! - tar!
coming - çheet
common - cadjin
communications services - shirveishyn-insh
compact - cumir
companion - sheshey; companions - shesaghyn
company - colught; companies - colughtyn
compelled - eginit
complaining - gaccan
completely - dy bollagh
compulsion - egin
computer - co-earrooder; computers - co-earroderyn - computers
computing (subject) - co-earrooaght
concerning - bentyn da/rish
concert - cuirrey-kiaullee; concerts - cuirraghyn- kiaullee
concise - cumir
consideration - geill
contacts - kianglaghyn
content - booiagh, bwooiagh
contract - conaant; contracts- conaantyn
control: under control - fo smaght
convenient - iençhyssagh
conversation - co-loayrtys
cook - coagyrey; cooks - coagyryn
cook! - coagyr!
cooker - coageyder; cookers - coageyderyn
cooking - coagyrey
cost - cost, costys; costs - costyn, costyssyn
costing - costal
costly - costal
could I? - noddin?
counter- boayrd-coontee; counters - buird-choontee
country - çheer
course - coorse; courses - coorseyn
cousin - ben-vooinjerey (female); fer-vooinjerey (male)
covenant - conaant; covenants - conaantyn
craft (vessel) - saagh; crafts - siyn
crawl! - snaue!
crawling - snaue
crazy - keoie
creature - cretoor; creatures - cretooryn
credit - daill
credit card - kaart-daill; credit cards - kaartyn-daill
crew - skimmee; crews - skimmeeyn
cricket - criggad
criminal - kimmagh; criminals - kimmee
cup - cappan; cups - cappanyn
curriculum - curriglym
curse - mollaght; curses - mollaghtyn
cursed - mollaghtagh
custom - cliaghtey; customs - cliaghtaghyn
cut! - giarr!
cycling - roarey
cutting - giarrey
daddy - jishag
damage - assee
dancing - daunsin
danger - gaue
dangerous - gaueagh, danjeyragh
daughter - inneen; daughters - inneenyn
daily - laaoil
damned - mollaghtagh
data - fysseree
date - daayt; dates - daaytyn
day - laa; days - laghyn
dead - marroo
deal, dealing - dellal
dear - deyr
death - baase
December - Mee ny Nollick
deep - dowin
degree - keim; degrees - keimyn
delicate - dendeysagh
dentist - feeackleyr; dentists - feeackleyryn
denying - gobbal
depend on! - crogh er!
depending on - croghey er
deposit account - coontey-tashtee
desperate - debejagh
destroyed - currit mow
diagram - jalloo-soilshee; diagrams - jallooyn-soilshee
did - ren
died: she died - hooar ee baase
difference - anchaslys
difficult - doillee
difficulty - doilleeid
dinner - jinnair; dinners - jinnairyn
direct - jeeragh
directing - stiurey
dirty - sollagh
disappointed - mollit
discipline - smaght
disco - disco; discos - discoghyn
dish - jyst; dishes - jystyn
disk - jysk; disks - jyskyn
dispenser - toyrtysagh; dispensers - toyrtysee
do! - jean!
doctor - fer-lhee (male); ben-lhee (female)
dog - moddey; dogs - moddee
dogfish - gobbag; plural - gobbagyn
doll - babban; dolls - babbanyn
doubt - ourys
doubtful - ouryssagh
Douglas - Doolish
doing - jannoo
done - jeant
door - dorrys; doors - dorrysyn
doubt - ourys
down - sheese; heese; neose
downhearted - lhag-chreeagh
draw! - tayrn!
drawing - tayrn
drill - tarrar; drills - tarraryn
drink - jough
drink! - iu!
drinking - (g)iu
drive! - imman!
driver - immanagh; drivers - immanee
driving - (g)imman
drowning - baih
drunkenness - scooyr
dry - çhirrym
Dublin - Divlyn
dumb - balloo
dwelling - cummal
each - dagh, gagh, dy chooilley
ear - cleaysh; ears - cleayshyn
early - moghey; leah
earnest - jeean
ease - aash
east - shiar, y niar
east side - çheu hiar
eastwards - shiar, my-hiar
easy - aashagh
eat! - ee!
eating - (g)ee
egg - ooh; eggs - oohyn
eight - hoght
eighth: the eighth - yn hoghtoo
electrical - lectragh
electrician - lectreyr; electricians - lectreyryn
electricity - lectraghys
electronic - lectraneagh
e-mail - post lectraneagh (post-l)
employee - failleydagh; employees - failleydee
end - jerrey; kione
enemy - noid; enemies - noidyn
energetic - breeoil
energy - bree
engine - jeshaght; engines - jeshaghtyn
English, English person - Sostnagh
English language - Baarle
English people - Sostnee
enjoying - goaill soylley
enjoyment - soylley
enlighten! - soilshee!
enlightening - soilshaghey
enough- dy liooar
ensuring - shickyraghey
entrance fee - tailley-stiagh
environment - çhymmyltaght
escaping - scapail
establishing - cur er bun
esteeming - soieaghey
evening - fastyr
event - immeeaght; events - immeeaghtyn
ever - rieau; for ever - son dy bragh
every - dagh, gagh, dy chooilley
evil - olk
exam - scrutaght; exams - scrutaghtyn
example - sampleyr, sambyl; examples - sampleyryn, sambil
excellent - er baghtal, er bashtal
except (for) - er lhimmey (jeh)
exciting - greesaghey
excuse - leshtal; excuse me - gow my leshtal
exercise - cliaghtey; exercises - cliaghtaghyn, physical exercise - lheiltys
experience - keeall chionnit
extension (phone) - fo-linney
extinguished - mooghit
extinguishing - mooghey
eye - sooill; eyses - sooillyn
eyebrow - mollee; eyebrows - molleeyn
face - eddin; faces - eddinyn
facilities - seyraaidyn
factory - thie-jannoo; factories - thieyn-jannoo
failing - failleil
fair - fynn
fairy - ferrish; fairies - ferrishyn
faithful - firrinagh
false - foalsey
falsehood - foalsaght
family - lught-thie
famous - ard-ghooagh
fare - tailley; fares - taillaghyn
farm - gowaltys; farms - gowaltyssyn
farmer - eirnagh; farmers - eirinee
farming - eirinys
fashion - fassan
fashionable - fassanagh
fast - tappee
fat - roauyr
favourite - reih-
fear - aggle
February - Toshiaght Arree
fee - tailley; fees - taillaghyn
feeble - faase
feeling - gennaghtyn
fiction - far-skeealaght
fifth: the fifth - yn wheiggoo
fight! - jean caggey!
fighting - jannoo caggey
fill! - lhieen!
filling - lhieeney; pronney
film - fillym; films - filmyn
filming - filmey
finance - argidys
finding - feddyn, geddyn
fine - braew
fire - aile; fires - aileyn
first - chied; hoshiaght (at first)
fish - eeast; fish (plural) - eeastyn
fisherman - eeasteyr; fishermen - eeasteyryn
fishing - eeastagh
fishing rod - slat-eeastee
fitting - cooie
five - queig
flat - rea
flat - cummal rea
fleeing - filmey
flexible - so-loobey
floor - laare; floors - laareyn
flu - murran
flute - feddan mooar; flutes - feddanyn mooar(ey)
fly - quaillag; flies - quaillagyn
fly! - etlee! ettyl!
flying - (g)etlagh
fog - kay; foggy - fo chay
folk - mooinjer
follow! - eiyr!
following - (g)eiyrt (er)
following: the following day - y laa er giyn
foolish - ommidjagh
foot - cass; feet - cassyn; of foot - coshey
football - bluckan-coshey
footballer - bluckaneyr; footballers - bluckaneyryn
for - rish; da; son
forced - eginit
foreign - joarree
foreigner - joarree; foreigners - joarreeyn
form - ferrym; forms - ferrymyn
formal - formoil
fortnight - kegeesh
forty - daeed
four - kiare
fourth: the fourth - yn chiarroo
France - y Rank
free - seyr; plural form - seyrey
free (gratis) - nastee
freedom - seyrsnys
French, French person - Frangagh
French people - Frangee
French language - Frangish
fresh - oor
friend - carrey; friends - caarjyn
friendly - caarjoil
Friday - Jeheiney
frightful - agglagh
from - voish, woish, veih
front door - dorrys-toshee
fruit - mess
full time - lane-emshyragh
funny - aitt; quaagh
fuse - lheiean; fuses - lheieanyn
Gaelic speaking area - Gaeltaght
gale - gaal; gales - gaalyn
game - gamman; games - gammanyn
gap - baarney; gaps - baarnaghyn
garage - garreish; garages - garreishyn
garden - garey; gardens - garaghyn
gas - gas
general - cadjin
generous - feoilt
geography - çheer-oaylleeaght
German, German person - Germaanagh
German people - Germaanee
German language - Germaanish
getting - feddyn, geddyn
getting up - (g)irree (seose)
gift - gioot; gifts - giootyn
give! - cur!
given - currit
giving - cur
Glasgow - Glaschu
glen - glion; glens - glionteeyn
glory - gloyr
go! - gow! immee!
goal - dean; goals - deanyn
God - Jee
God forbid! - Nar lhig eh Jee!
going - goll
good - mie
goodbye - slane lhiat; slane lhiu
government - reiltys; government - reiltysyn
grace - grayse
grandchild - oe; grandchildren - oeghyn
grandad - jishag vooar
grand-daughter - oe inneen
grandfather - shaner
grandmother - mwarree
grandson - oe mac
gratis - nastee
green - glass, glassey; geayney
green - faaie; greens - faaieaghyn
greeting - (g)oltaghey
grid - moggyl; grids - moggylyn
grill - greddan
grip - greim
grow! - aase!
growing - (g)aase
grumbling - gaccan
guarantee - barrantys
guest - goaldagh; guests - goaldee
guide - oayllagh; guides - oayllee
gun - gunn; guns - gunnyn
hair - folt
hairdresser - folteyr; hairdressers - folteyryn
half - lieh; and a half - dy lieh
half an hour - lieh-oor
hall - halley; halls - hallaghyn
hand - laue; hands - laueyn
hang! - crogh!
hanging - croghey
happening - taghyrt
hard - creoi
he - eh; eshyn
head - kione; heads - king
headache - çhingys-king
head cook - ard-choagyrey
headteacher - ard-ynseyder
health - slaynt
healthy - slayntoil
hearing - clashtyn
heart - cree; hearts - creeghyn
heat - çhiass
heat! - çhiow!
heater - çhiasseyder; heaters - çhiasseyderyn
heating - çhiow
heavy - trome
heed - geill
help - cooney
her - ee; e
herbal - lussagh
heritage - eiraght
high - ard
higher, highest - syrjey
high school - scoill-ard; high schools - scoillyn-ard
hill - cronk; hills - crink
him - eh; eshyn
hint - fou, sannish
his - e
history - shennaghys
history book - lioar-shennaghys
hit! - bwoaill!
hitting - bwoalley
hockey - hockee
hockey stick - maidjey-hockee; hockey sticks - maidjyn-hockee
hold: - getting hold of - glackey
hold! - cum!
holding - cummal
hole - towl; holes - tuill
holiday - laa seyr; holidays - laghyn seyrey
holiday camp - camp-laghyn-seyrey
hollow - laggan; hollows - lagganyn
home - thie
home(wards) - dy valley
homework - arnane
hope - treisht
hoping - jerkal
hospital - thie-lheihys
hot - çheh
hour - oor; hours - ooryn
house - thie
how? - kys? cren aght?
how long? - cre cho liauyr?
how many? how much? - quoid?
humorous - aitt
hundred - keead
hurting - gortaghey
I - mee
I - mish
identification - pabyr-enney (document)
idle - taaue
if - my; dy
ill - çhing
imaginary - conrieugh
imitating - jannoo arrish er
impersonating - jannoo arrish er
importance - scansh
important - scanshoil
improving - sharaghey
in - ayns; ayn: stiagh; sthie
incident - taghyrt
inciting - greesaghey
incline (going down) - liargagh; inclines - liargeeyn
incline (going up) - ughtagh; inclines - ughteeyn
incorrect - neu-chiart
information - fysseree
inhabitant - cummaltagh; inhabitants - cummaltee
inheritance - eiraght
injuring - lhottey
inside - çheu-sthie
instead of - ayns ynnyd jeh
insurance - urrysaght
intelligent - tushtagh
intending - kiarail
interest - anaase, sym; use (money)
interests - anaasyn; symyn
Internet - Eddyr-Voggyl
intoxicating - meshtallagh
invitation - cuirrey, invitations - cuirraghyn
Ireland - Nerin
Irish - Yernagh
Irish language - Yernish
Irish people - Yernee
Irish person - Yernagh
Irish Sea - Mooir Vannin, Muir Vannin
is - ta
island - ellan; islands - ellanyn
is it? - nee!
it is - she
jacket - jaggad; jackets - jaggadyn
jammed - jingit
January - Jerrey Geuree
job - kiartey; startey
jobs - kiartaghyn; startaghyn
jogging - joggal
journalist - earisheyr; journalists - earisheyryn
journey - turrys
July - Jerrey Souree
June - Mean Souree
keen - jeean
keep! - cum!
keeping - cummal
killed - marrooit
kilometre - kilomeadar
kind - kenjal
king - ree; kings - reeghyn
kingdom - reeriaght
kitchen - shamyr-aarlee
knock! - crank!
knocking - crankal
knocked down - lhieggit sheese
know: I know - ta fys aym
knowledge - fys
known: is known - shione; was known - bione
known: not known - dyn-yss
language - çhengey; languages - çhengaghyn
large - mooar
last - sjerree
last: at last - fy-yerrey; at long last - fy-hyerrey hoal
last year - nurree
late - anmagh
laughing - gearey
law - leigh
lawyer - leighder; lawyers - leighderyn
Laxey - Laksaa
leader - leeideilagh, fer-toshee; leaders - leeideilee, fir-toshee
learn! - ynsee!
learning- (g)ynsaghey
least - sloo
left - toshtal; to the left - my-hoshtal
leisure - soccar
leisure facilities - seyraaidyn-soccar
length - liurid, lhiurid
lesser - sloo
less than - ny sloo na
lesson - lessoon; lessons - lessoonyn
let! - lhig!
letting - lhiggey
letter - lettyr; letters - lettyryn
letter - screeuyn; letters - screeunyn
level - rea
level - leval; levels - levallyn
library - lioarlagh
licence - kied; licences - kiedyn
lie! - lhie!
life - bea
lift (in a car) - heiss; lifts - heissyn
lift! - trog!
lifting - troggal
light - eddrym; a light load - laad eddrym
light - soilshey; lights - soilshaghyn
like: the like - y lheid
like: I like - smie lhiam; staittin lhiam
liked: she liked - bynney lhee
likely: its likely - sliklee
likeness - caslys
line - linney; lines - linnaghyn
line (file) - straneyn; lines - straneyn
listen! - eaisht!
listening - (g)eaishtagh
little - beg; a little - beggan
lively - bioyr
Liverpool - Lerpoyll
livid - jiarg-chorree
living - cummal, baghey
load - laad; loads - laadyn
loan - eeasaght; loans - eeasaghtyn
local - ynnydagh
long - liauyr, liauyrey; foddey
long: as long as - chouds
look! - jeeagh!
looking - jeeaghyn
lose! - caill!
losing - coayl
lost - caillit, caillt
lots (of) - ram; ymmodee; mooarane
love - graih; I love - ta mee graihagh er
loved: she loved - bynney lhee
lovesome - graihagh
loving - graihagh
low - injil
luggage - scudlagh
lunch - kirbyl; lunches - kirbil
lying - lhie
made: I made it - ren mee shen
made - jeant
magazine - earishlioar; magazines - earishlioaryn
maid - inney-veyl
make! - jean!
making - jannoo
man - dooinney; fer
manager - reireyder
managing - reirey
Manchester - Manchuin
Manx, Manx person - Manninagh
Manx Airlines - Skianyn Vannin
Manx language - Gaelg, Gailck
Manx people - Manninee
many - ram; ymmodee; mooarane; monney
map - caslys-çheerey
March - Mee Vayrnt
mark - cowrey; marks - cowraghyn
marry! - poos!
marrying - poosey
match - co-chloie; matches - co-chloieaghyn
mathematics - maddagh
Maughold - Maghal
May - Mee Boaldyn
maybe - foddee
meal - lhongey; meals - lhongaghyn
mean - peajogagh
measure, measuring - towse
media - ym-ysseraght
medicine (subject) - lheihys
medicine (material)- medshin
meeting - meeiteil; meeting you - çheet dty whail
member - oltey; members - olteynyn
men - deiney; fir
mesh - moggyl; meshes - moggylyn
mess - brock
message - çhaghteraght; messages - çhaghteraghtyn
Michael - Maayl
midday - mun-laa
middle - mean; meanagh
middling - castreycair
mile - meeiley; miles - meeilaghyn
milk - bainney
mill - mwyllin
mind - aigney; minds - aignaghyn
mind: never mind - nagh gummey
minute - minnid; minutes - minnidyn
miserable - treih
miserly - peajogagh
missing - assairagh
mist - kay
mistake - marran; mistakes - marranyn
misty - fo chay
mixture - mestey
Monday - Jelune
mobile - shooylagh
mobile phone - çhellvane shooylagh
mocking - craidey
money - argid
more - tooilley; smoo
more than - ny smoo na
morning - moghrey
most - smoo
mother - moir
motorbike - roar-bree; motorbikes - roaryn-bree
mountain - slieau; mountains - sleityn
mountainous - sleitagh
Mountain Road - Giat y Clieau
moving - (g)arraghey
much - ram; monney
mummy - mummig
municipal - baljagh
music - kiaull, kiaulleeaght
must: you must - shegin dhyt
my - my
name - ennym
named - enmyssit
names - enmyn
nap - saveen; naps - saveenyn
narrow - coon
nation - ashoon; nations - ashoonyn
national - ashoonagh
nationality - ashoonaght
nearly - bunnys
nearer, nearest - sniessey
near to - faggys da
necessary - ymmyrçhagh
need - feme
need: you need not - cha lhiass dhyt
negative - jiooldagh
neighbour - naboo; neighbours - nabooyn
neither - noadyr
new - noa
news - naight, naightyn
newspaper - pabyr-naight; newspapers - pabyryn-naight
nice - jesh
nightie - eaddagh-oie
nine - nuy
ninth: the ninth - yn nuyoo
noisy - sheeanagh
non-fiction - neu-far-skeealaght
north - twoaie
northwards - my-hwoaie
nose - stroin; noses - stroinyn, strointeeyn
note - note; notes - notyn
nothing - veg; neu-nhee
notice - fogrey; geill (heed)
noticing - cur my ner
novel - oorskeeal; novels - oorskeealyn
November - Mee Houney
now - nish
nuclear - çhesh-veanagh
number - earroo; numbers - earrooyn
nurse - boandyr; nurses - boandyryn
observation - baght; observations - baghtyn
occupation - trade
October - Jerrey Fouyir
of - jeh
office - offish; oik
official - oikoil
official - fer-oik; officials - fir-oik (males)
often - mennick
oil - ooill
old - shenn
older, oldest - shinney; older than - ny shinney na
on; on him, on it - er
once, one time - keayrt
Onchan - Kione Droghad
one- nane, un; fer
on her - urree
on me - orrym
ones - fir
on us - orrin
on you -ort; erriu
open! - foshil!
open(ed) - foshlit
opening - fosley
opinion - barel; opinions - barelys
opinion poll - towse-barel
order - oardagh; orders - oardaghyn
other -elley
ought - lhisagh; I ought - lhisin
our - nyn ; yn/ny .... ain
out - stiagh; sthie
outcome - eiyrtys
outside - çheu-mooie
over there - hoal
pain - pian
painful - gonnagh, piandagh
paper - pabyr
parcel - mynjeig; parcels - mynjeigyn
parish - skeerey; skyll; skylley,
park - pairk; parks - pairkyn
parking - pairkagh, pairkal
parliament - ardwhaiyl
part - ayrn; cooid; paart
part time - paart-emshyragh
passenger - troailtagh; passenegers - troailtee
Patrick - Perick
pay (salary) - faill
pay! - eeck!
paying - (g)eeck
peace - shee
peaceful - sheeoil
peat - moain; of peat - moaney
Peel - Purt ny h-Inshey
pen - penn; pens - pennyn
pen-friend - carrey-penn
people - sleih
perhaps - foddee
peripatetic - shooylagh
permanent - beayn
person - peiagh, persoon
personal - persoonagh
pet - biggin; pets - bigginyn
phoning - çhellvaney
photograph - caslys-soilshey; photographs - caslysyn-soilshey
physical - corpagh, corpoil
physics - fishig
piano - pianney; pianos - piannaghyn
picnic - lhongey-mooie
pill - milleen; pills - milleenyn
pinnacle - baare
pitch - faie; pitches - faaieaghyn
pity: thats a pity - streih shen
place - boayl; ynnyd places - buill, boaylyn; ynnydyn
play - cloie; plays - cloiaghyn
play! - cloie!
playground - ynnyd-chloie; playgrounds - ynnydyn-cloie
playing - cloie
please (if you please) - my sailt; my sailliu
point - poynt; points - poyntyn
pointed - birragh
police: the police - ny meoiryn-shee
police car - gleashtan meoiryn-shee; carr-pollys
policeman/woman - meoir-shee
policemen/women - meoiryn-shee
political - politickagh
poor - boght; plural form - boghtey
pop music - kiaull-pop
positive - jarrooagh
port - purt
Port Erin - Purt Çhiarn
portion - cooid
Port St Mary - Purt le Moirrey
postage - postys
post office - oik postagh
potato - praase; potatoes - praaseyn
potent - niartal
pound - punt; pounds - puint, puntyn
power cut - scuirr lectraghys
powerful - niartal
pray! - gow padjer! guee!
praying - goaill padjer; guee
pregnant - torragh
present - gioot; presents - giootyn
present, in presence of - kionfenish
pressure - traastey
pretend! - lhig er!
pretending - lhiggey er
previously - roïe
price - prios; prices - priosyn
prime - ard
prize - aundyr; prizes - aundyryn
private - preevaadjagh
program(me) - claare; program(me)s - claaryn
promenade - shooylaghan
promotion - ardjaghey
public: the public - y theay
public - theayagh
pull! - tayrn!
pulling - tayrn
pupil - ynseydagh; pupils - ynseydee
purpose - kiarail
put! - cur!
putting - cur
pyjamas - eaddagh-oie
pylon - toor; pylons - tooryn
qualification - qualleeaght; qualifications - qualleeaghtyn
quarter - kerroo
quick - tappee
race - ratçh; races - ratçhyn
racing - ratçhal
radio - radio
radio station - stashoon-radio
raise! - trog!
raised - troggit, yrjit
raising - troggal
Ramsey - Rhumsaa
reaching - roshtyn
read! - lhaih!
reading - lhaih
ready - aarloo
real - rieugh
reason - oyr, resoon; reasons - oyryn, resoonyn
reasonable - resoonagh
receiver - resowr
receptionist - oltagher; receptionists - oltagheryn
record - recortys; records - recortyssyn
recording - recortys; recordings - recortyssyn
reckoning - coontey
refined - ellynagh
registered - claarit
registering - claaraghey
regular - reiltagh
relatives - sleih-mooinjerey
relaxing - lhaggaghey
remove! - scugh!
removing - scughey
rent - mayl
rented - er mayl
reply! - freggyr!
reply - freggyrt
replying - freggyrt
research - ronsagh
resembling - goll rish; casley rish
rest - aash, fea
resting - goaill aash, goaill fea
reviving - aa-vioghey
rich - berçhagh
rider - markiagh; riders - markee
ridiculous - ommidjagh
riding - markiaghey
right, correct - kiart
right (hand) - jesh; to the right - my-yesh
rise! - irree!
rising - (g)irree
river - awin; rivers - awinyn
road - bayr; raad; roads - bayryn; raaidyn
rod - slat; rods - slattyn
Ronaldsway - Roonysvaie
room - shamyr; rooms - shamyryn
room (space) - reamys
rope - tead; ropes - teaddyn
rotten - loau
royal - reeoil
royalist - reeoilagh; royalists - reeoilee
rugby - ruggyr
run! - roie!
running - roie
Russian, Russian person - Rooshagh
Russian people - Rooshee
Russian language - Rooshish
sad - trimshagh
safe - sauçhey
Saturday - Jesarn
sail! - shiauill!
sailing - shiaulley
saint - noo; saints - nooghyn
salary - faill
sales person - creckeyder; sales persons - creckeyderyn
sample - sambyl, sampleyr; samples - sambil, sampleyryn
sandwich - braghtan; sandwiches - braghtanyn
satellite - far-rollage; satellites - far-rollageyn
satisfied - booiagh, bwooiagh
save! - saue!
saving - sauail
say! - abbyr!
saying - gra
scandalous - scammyltagh
Scandinavian - Loghlinagh
Scandinavian person - Loghlinagh
Scandinavians - Loghlinee
school - scoill; schools - scoillyn
school report - coontey-scoill
science - sheanse
Scotland - Nalbin
Scottish, Scottish person - Albinagh
Scottish people - Albinee
sea - keayn; mooir, muir of sea - marrey
sea-cat - kayt-marrey
seat soiag; seats - soiagyn
sector - kerroo
second - nah
secret - follit
see! - jeeagh (er)!
see: Ill see - heem
seed - rass; seeds - rassyn
seeing - fakin
seek! - shirr!
seeking - shirrey
seizing - glackey
self - hene, pene
sell! - creck!
seller - creckeyder; sellers - creckeyderyn
selling - creck
sense - keeall
separated - scarrit
September - Mean Fouyir
series - trane; plural straaneyn
serious (pensive) - faitagh; trome-chooishagh
service - shirveish; services - shirveishyn
service station - stashoon-shirveish
servicing - jeshaghey
set - soiet
seven - shiaght
seventh: the seventh - yn çhiaghtoo
she - ee
sheep: a sheep - keyrrey; sheep (plural) - kirree
shepherd - bochilley; shepherds - bochillyn
shift! - scugh!
shifting - scughey
shift work - obbyr-shayll
shining - soilshean
ship - lhong; ships - lhongyn
shirt - lheiney; shirts - lheintyn
shoe - braag; shoes - braagyn
shop - shapp; shops - shappyn
shopping - shappal
shore - traie
short - giare
should - lhisagh; I should - lhisin
show! - soilshee! jeeagh (da) !
showing - soilshaghey; jeeaghyn (da)
shut! - dooin! jeigh!
shtting - dooney, jeigh
shy - faitagh
sick - çhing
side - çheu; lhiattee
sight - shiiley
signature - fo my laue
silence - tostid
since - neayrs
sister - shuyr; sisters - shuyraghyn
sit! - soie!
sitting - soie
sitting room - shamyr-soie; sitting rooms - shamyryn-soie
six - shey
sixth: the sixth - yn çheyoo
skin - crackan
skirt - rumbyl; skirts - rumbylyn
sky - aer
slab - leac; slabs - lhic
sleeping - cadley
sleepy - cadlagh
slope (going down) - liargagh; slopes - liargeeyn
slope (going up) - ughtagh; slopes - ughteeyn
slow - moal
slowly - dy moal; more slowly - ny smelley
small - beg
smoke - jaagh
smoking - smookal
Snaefell - Sniaul
sneaking - sleetçhal
sneezing - streighyrnee
snoring - strinnoogh
snow - sniaghtey; under snow - fo niaghtey
soap - sheeabin
soft - bog
solar energy - bree-greiney
some - ennagh; kuse, paart, shiartanse
something - red ennagh
sometimes - ny keayrtyn
son - mac; sons - mec
song - arrane; songs - arraneyn
soon - leah
sort - sorçh
south - jiass
southwards - my-yiass
Spain - y Spaainey
Spanish - Spaainagh
Spanish language - Spaainish
Spanish people - Spaainee
Spanish person - Spaainagh
speak! - loayr!
speaker - loayrtagh, loayreyder; speakers - loayrtee, loayreyderyn
speaking - loayrt
special er-lheh
spend! - ceau!
spending - ceau
sport - spoyrt
sports centre - laare-spoyrt
sports shop - shapp-spoyrt
sporty - spoyrtoil
squally - rastagh
stairs - greeishyn
stand! - shass!
standing - shassoo
staring at - blakey er
start! - gow toshiaght!
starting - goaill toshiaght
state - stayd; states - staydyn
station - stashoon; stations - stashoonyn
stay! - tannee!
staying - tannaghtyn
stead - ynnyd
steam - bree
steering - stiurey
steps - greeishyn
sticking to - lhiantyn rish
still - foast
St Johns - Balley Keeill Eoin
stomach ache - çhingys-bolg
stone - clagh; stones - claghyn
stop! - scuirr!
stopping - scuirr
story - skeeal
strange - quaagh
stream - strooan; streams - strooanyn
street - straid
strength - niart
strengthening - niartaghey
strike! - bwoaill!
striking - bwoalley
strong - niartal, lajer
student - studeyr; students - studeyryn
study - studeyrys
subdued - currit fo cosh
suburb - fo-valley; suburbs - fo-valjyn
sulky - pootçhagh
sullen - pootçhagh
summer - sourey; of summer - souree
summit - mullagh; summits - mulleeyn
sun - grian; of sun - greiney
Sunday - Jedoonee
super market - ard-vargey; supermarkets - ard-vargaghyn
suspicion - drogh-ourys
swallowed - sluggit
swim! - snaue!
swimming - snaue
swimming pool - loghan-snaue; swimming pools - loghanyn-snaue
switch off! - moogh!
switch on! - cur bree da!
table - boayrd; tables - buird
table tennis - bassag-voayrd
talkative - çhengleyragh
talking - taggloo
tall - toallee
taste - blass
tax - keesh; taxes - keeshyn
tea - tey
tea break - brishey-tey
teach! - ynsee!
teacher - ynseyder, fer-ynsee (male): ben-ynsee (female)
teachers - ynseyderyn, fir-ynsee (males) , mraane-ynsee (females)
teaching - (g)ynsaghey
teaching qualification - qualleeaght-ynsee
team - skimmee; teams - skimmeeyn
tedious - dree
teeth - feeacklyn
telecommunications - çhellinsh
telephone - çhellvane
telephone number - earroo-çhellvane
television - çhellveeish, çhellooish
television set - çhellveeishan, çhellooishan
tell! - insh!
teller - argideyr; tellers - argideyryn
telling - insh, ginsh
temperature - tempreilys
ten - jeih
tennis - bassag
tenth: the tenth - yn jeihoo
terrace - strane; terraces - straneyn
terrible - agglagh
thanks - bwooise
thank you - gura mie ayd, gura mie eu
that - shen
the - y, yn, ny
theatre - thie-cloie
their - nyn; yn/ny ..... oc
then - eisht; then - eishtagh
there is, there are - ta
thin - shang
thing - nhee, red; things - nheeghyn, reddyn
think: I think - er lhiam
think! - smooinee!
thinking - smooinaghtyn
third - trass, treeoo
thought: I thought - heill mee
three - tree
through - trooid
throw! - ceau!
throwing - ceau
Thursday - Jerdein
ticket - tiggad; tickets - tiggadyn
time - traa
tired - skee
to - da, rish; to him, to it - da, rish; dys, gys
toast - arran-greddan
today - jiu
together - ry-cheilley; cooidjagh
toilet - premmee; toilets - premmeeyn
tomorrow - mairagh
tongue - çhengey; tongues - çhengaghyn
too - ro
too many, too much - rouyr
tooth - feeackle; teeth - feeacklyn
top - baare
toothache - ny beishtyn; çhingys-feeackle
touching - bentyn (rish/da)
tourism - turrysid
tourist - turrysagh; skibbyltagh (jocular)
tourists - turrysee; skibbyltee (jocular)
town - balley; towns - baljyn
town hall - halley baljagh
trade (occupation) - keird
train - traen; trains - traenyn
traitor - traidoor; traitors - traidooryn
tranquil - kiune
transport - arraghey
traveller - troailtagh; travellers - troailtee
travelling - troailt
treaty - conaant; treaties - conaantyn
trip - turrys
trouble - boirey
trousers - troosyn
true - firrinagh
trust - treisht
try! - prow!
trying - prowal
Tuesday - Jemayrt
twenty - feed
two - jees; daa
ugly - graney
uncle - naim; uncles - naimyn
uncomfortable - meegherjoilagh
under - fo
under foot - fo cosh
underpants - fo-hroosyn
understand! - toig!
understanding - toiggal
unemployment - mee-startaght
Union Mills - Mwyllin Doo Aah
united - unnaneyssit
United Kingdom - Reeriaght Unnaneyssit
university - ollooscoill; universities - ollooscoillyn
unsuitable - neuchooie
until - derrey; gys, dys
up - seose; heose; neese
upset: that upset us - hug shen yn olk orriin
use - ymmyd
using - ymmydey; goaill ymmyd jeh
uttering - fockley
valid - breeoil
valley - coan
vegetables - lossreeyn
version - lheiggan
very - feer
video - feeshan; videos - feeshanyn
view - reayrt; views - reayrtyn
violin - viol; violins - violyn
visiting - cur shilley er
voice - coraa; voices - coraaghyn
vomiting - tilgey
wait! - fuirree!
waiting - fuirraghtyn
wake up! - dooisht!
waking - doostey
walk! - shooill!
walking - shooyl
wall - bwoalley, woalley; walls - (b)woallaghyn
war - caggey; wars - caggaghyn
warship - lhong-chaggee; warships - lhongyn- caggee
was - va
was...? - row...?
wash! - oonlee! (person) niee! (thing)
washing - (g)oonlaghey; niee
wasting - jummal
watch (surveillance) - rick
watch! - jeeagh!
watching - jeeaghyn
water - ushtey
water skiing - sheeal-ushtey
wave energy/power - bree-marrey, bree-tonnyn
way (manner) - aght
weak - faase
wear! - ceau!
wearing - ceau
weather - emshyr; earish
Wednesday - Jecrean
week - shiaghtin; shiaghtinyn, shiaghteeeyn - weeks
weekend - jerrey-shiaghtin; kione-shiaghtin
welcome - failt (ort)
welcoming - (g)oltaghey
well: as well as - chammah as
Welsh, Welsh person - Bretnagh
Welsh people - Bretnee
Welsh language - Bretnish
were - va
west - eear, yn eear, y neear
west(wards) - sheear, my-heear
west side - çheu heear
wet - fliugh
what? - cred? cren...?
wheel - queeyl; wheels - queeylyn
when? - cuin?
while - chouds
while: a while - tammylt
whisper - sannish; whispers - sannishyn
whispering - sansheraght
whistle - feddan; feddanyn - whistles
white - bane
who? - quoi?
whole - slane
wide - lhean
widow - ben-treoghe; widows - mraane-treoghe
width - lheead
will be - bee
will do, will make - nee
wind - geay
wind energy - bree-geayee
window - uinnag; windows - uinnagyn
windy - geayagh
wine - feeyn
winter - geurey; of winter - geuree
wise - creeney
with - marish; lesh
with her, with it - maree; lhee
with him, with it - marish; lesh
without - fegooish; dyn, gyn
woman - ben
wonder - yindys; no wonder - cha nyrrys
wonderful - yindyssagh
word - fockle; words - focklyn
work - obbyr
working - (g)obbraghey
worried - boirit
worry - boirey
worse, worst - smessey
worship - ooashley
worthless - neu-feeu
would do/make - yinnagh; I would do/make - yinnin
wounding - lhottey
wretched - treih
write! - screeu!
writing - s creeu
written - screeut
year - blein; of year - bleeaney
years - bleeantyn
yesterday - jea
yet - still
you - oo, shiu
you - uss, shiuish
young - aeg; plural form - aegey
younger, youngest - saa
your - dty, yn/ny ....ayd (one person, familiar);
nyn, yn/ny ... oc (one person, polite, or more than one person)
zero - neu-nhee