The American Inheritance 1.1.2 Yn Eiraght Americaanagh 1.1.2

Kirree goes into the house. Ta Kirree goll stiagh ayns y thie.
She is tall and beautiful. T'ee toallee as aalin.
She has black hair and brown eyes. Ta folt doo as sooillyn dhone eck.
Ealee greets her. Ta Ealee goltaghey ee.

Ealee: Welcome to the Isle of Man. Failt ort dys Mannin.
How are you? Kys t'ou?
Kirree: Fine, thanks. A bit tired. Braew, gura mie ayd. Beggan skee.
Juan: No wonder. Cha nyrrys.
You had a long trip. Va turrys liauyr ayd.
Ealee: Would you like a drink? By vie lhiat jough?
Kirree: No, thanks. Cha by vie lhiam, gura mie ayd.
Excuse me, but could I Gow my leshtal, agh noddin
lie down? goll dy lhie?
Juan: Certainly. Son shickyrys.
Your room is upstairs. Ta'n çhamyr ayd heose.
Ealee: I'll show you. Nee'm jeeaghyn dhyt.

Ealee comes down from Ta Ealee çheet neose voish
Kirree's room. shamyr Chirree.

Ealee: That's not very nice, Cha nel shen feer yesh,
going to bed now. goll dy lhie nish.
Juan: But she came from America! Agh ren ee çheet voish America!
Ealee: I know, but it's a bit strange. Ta fys aym, agh t'eh beggan quaagh.
Juan: She's come to find T'ee er jeet dy ‘eddyn
relatives here. sleih-mooinjerey ayns shoh.