Part 1.5 Exercises
Ayrn 1.5 Cliaghtaghyn

1. Write down the Manx versions of these English sentences:

a. Kirree comes to the Isle of Man.
b. Kirree is coming from America.
c. Kirree is coming from the plane.
d. Juan has a notice.
e. The people are at the airport.
f. I like being at the airport.
g. Good morning. I’m pleased to meet you.
h. Juan and Kirree are going in Juan’s car.
i. She is tall and beatiful.
j. Welcome. How are you?
k. Fine, thanks. A bit tired.
l. Would you like a drink?
m. Excuse me. Your room is upstairs.
n. I’ll show you.
o. She came from America.
p. I know. It’s a bit strange.
q. How old is Juan?
r. I’d say he’s older than that.
s. Has he got any brothers or sisters?
t. Are you Ealee?

2. See if you can make up one long sentence which summarises the story so far.

3. Fill in the spaces with adjectives in Manx corresponding to the clues.
Find another adjective in the outlined column.

a. Ta Kirree -------. a.
b. Agh t’eh beggan ------.
c. Va turrys ------ ayd. b.
d. Gura --- ayd.
e. Ta sooillyn ----- eck. c.



Part 1.5: Exercises (contd.)
Ayrn 1.5: Cliaghtaghyn (goll er)

4. Fill in the gaps - Lhieen stiagh ny baarnaghyn:


Ta fogrey -- Juan.

T’-- er jeet.

Ta Kirree -----.

Feddyn magh -- smoo.

Yn ven -----.

C’raad t’-- cummal?

Folt doo as -------- dhone.

Moghrey ---.

Ta Kirree ------- as aalin.

Cha nel shen ----.

Gura mie ---.

--- uss Juan Kelly? She.

Beggan ----.

Ta folt --- eck.

Va turrys ------ ayd.

Part 1.5: Exercises (contd.)
Ayrn 1.5: Cliaghtaghyn (goll er)

5. Firrinagh ny Foalsey (True or False)

a. Ta Kirree çheet dys Mannin.

b. Cha nel Kirree çheet voish America.

c. Ta Juan as Kirree goll dys Doolish ayns gleashtan Chirree.

d. She Kirree ben Yuan.

e. Ta Kirree toallee.

f. Va turrys liauyr ec Kirree.

g. Ta Kirree er jeet dy ‘eddyn sleih-mooinjerey ayns Mannin.

h. Ta Kirree goll dy lhie dy moghey.

i. Cha nel Kirree cummal ayns Cleveland.

j. Ta Juan smooinaghtyn dy vel un vraar as daa huyr ec Kirree.

6. Lhieen seose y ferrym shoh heese (Fill in this form below)

Ennym (Name)...............................................................................

Laa-ruggyree (Date of birth).........................................................

Boayl-ruggyree (Place of birth) ....................................................

Enmys-baghee (Permanent address).............................................


Keird (Occupation)..............................................................................

Ashoonaght (Nationality)....................................................................

Fo my laue (Signature)........................................................................