Part 1.5 Ayrn 1.5

Exercises: Cliaghtaghyn:

  1. Are you Ealee?
  2. Welcome.
  3. Kirree is coming from America.
  4. How old is Juan?
  5. Your room is upstairs.
  6. The people are at the airport.
  7. Kirree comes to the Isle of Man.
  8. I know.
  9. Kirree is coming from the plane.
  10. Juan and Kirree are going in Juan's car.
  11. How are you?
  12. I'd say he's older than that.
  13. Good moming.
  14. Would you like a drink?
  15. I like being at the airport.
  16. She came from America.
  17. I'll show you.
  18. She is tall and beautiful.
  19. Excuse me.
  20. It's a bit strange.
  21. I'm pleased to meet you.
  22. A bit tired.
  23. Fine, thanks.
  24. Juan has a notice.
  25. Has he got any brothers or sisters?