Part 2.6: Key Phrases

  1. Did she sleep near to the the Records Office? No.
  2. I know.
  3. Where is the Records Office?
  4. The office was near to the garden.
  5. I don’t know.
  6. Where is the farm?
  7. What is the kitchen like?
  8. Don’t be rude!
  9. Where is the the kitchen?
  10. What was the office like?
  11. It’s near to the kitchen.
  12. Where was the farm?
  13. What is the office like?
  14. Did she sleep near to the kitchen? Yes.
  15. Where was the garden?
  16. I don’t know.
  17. The garden is near to the Records Office.
  18. What was the kitchen like?
  19. Did you sleep well?
  20. Maybe.
  21. Certainly.
  22. That’s a pity!
  23. Don’t be sleeping!
  24. I don’t sleep well.
  25. Don’t be near to the kitchen!
  26. Where is the garden?
  27. It’s not near to the kitchen.
  28. Where is she?
  29. Where was the garden?