Part 3.6 Key Phrases
Ayrn 3.6 Raaghyn Scanshoil

They’re walking towards the.........= T’ad shooyl lesh y ..........

some (of) ...= kuse dy ....(causes letter changes - ‘mutations’)

near to = faggys da

It was restored = V’eh jeant ass y noa.

It’s a wonderful............. = She ............. yindyssagh t’ayn.

Let’s go! = Hooin roin!

Kirree thought a lot of the dogs = Va Kirree jannoo mooar jeh ny moddee.

She died = Hooar ee baase.

That upset us = Hug shen yn olk orrin.

We intend to get a .......... = Ta shin kiarail geddyn .........

Let’s talk = Lhig dooin taggloo.

Kirree is watching television = Ta Kirree jeeaghyn er y çhellveeish.

It’s true = S’feer eh.

You know very well = Ta fys mie ayd.