TCG in Manx Module 1

Unit # Description:

Personal Details

Outcomes to be accredited

In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to


  1. Exchange personal details with fluent speaker (full name, age, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, birthday, nationality).

  2. Spell out details as requested / Ask others to do the same.

  3. Ask for personal details of a third person.

  4. Make a general comment on age (E).

  5. Ask someone where they come from (G) and elicit supplementary details if required (E).


  1. Understand details of replies given in response to enquiries made under Speaking.

  2. Understand requests to give personal details as specified under Speaking.


  1. Understand details of replies given in response to enquiries made under Speaking.

  2. Understand the rubric of a form requesting personal details as specified under Speaking.

  3. Understand requests to give personal details as specified under Speaking.


  1. Complete a form giving personal details.

  2. Give information regarding personal details in note / caption form (G).

  3. Give and seek information regarding personal details in letter form (E).

Family and Pets

Outcomes to be accredited

In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to


  1. Give and seek information about immediate family and pets (Names, ages, occupations, interests, physical description).

  2. Introduce one’s family to another person.

  3. Express opinions about or feelings towards one’s family (E).


  1. Understand details of replies given in response to enquiries made under Speaking.

  2. Understand a request to give information as listed above.

  3. Understand other people expressing opinions about or feelings towards their family (E).


  1. Understand details of replies given in response to enquiries made under Speaking.

  2. Understand a request to give information as listed above.

  3. Understand other people expressing opinions about or feelings towards their family (E).


  1. Give information about immediate family and pets (names, ages, occupations, interests, physical description, feelings / opinions) in note / caption form (G)

  2. or in the form of simple comments included in a letter (E).

Home Locality

Outcomes to be accredited

In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to


  1. Give and seek information about home town / village / area and its location.

  2. Give and seek information about one’s house / flat (details of rooms, including one’s own room, simple description of garden if appropriate).

  3. Give and seek brief information about local amenities (shops, public buildings, entertainments, activities and tourist attractions).

  4. Express simple opinions on the above.


  1. Understand details as specified above relating to someone’s home and local environment.

  2. Understand a request to supply the above information.

  3. Understand someone’s simple opinions on the above.


  1. Understand details as specified above relating to someone’s home and local environment as contained in a personal letter.

  2. Understand a request to supply the above information.

  3. Understand someone’s simple opinions on the above.


  1. Supply the above information in note / caption form (G) or in the form of simple comments included in a letter (E).

  2. Ask others for information on home and local environment as specified above (E).

  3. Express simple opinions on the above.

Daily Routine

Outcomes to be accredited

In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to


  1. Give and seek information about daily routine relating to either weekdays or preferred weekend activities.

  2. Give and seek information about what one did yesterday and what one is going to do tomorrow (E).


  1. Understand details of replies given in response to questions asked under Speaking.

  2. Understand a request to give the above information.

  3. Understand someone giving information about what they did yesterday and what they are going to do tomorrow (E).


  1. Understand information on daily routine as specified above as contained in a personal letter or printed article.

  2. Understand a request to give the above information.

  3. Understand someone giving information about what they did yesterday and what they are going to do tomorrow.


  1. Give information about daily routine as specified above either in note / caption form (G) or in the form a simple comments included in a letter (E).

  2. Seek information about daily routine as specified above (E).

  3. Give and seek information about what one did yesterday and what one is going to do tomorrow (E).

Conversational Skills

Outcomes to be accredited
In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to


  1. Greet and say goodbye to a Manx speaker.

  2. Give and and seek information about well-being and express suitable feelings.

  3. Ask someone to speak more slowly / repeat / spell write down / explain information not understood.

  4. Give and seek information about proficiency in Manx.


  1. Understand replies given in response to enquiries made under Speaking.

  2. Understand requests to speak more slowly / repeat / spell / write down / explain information not understood.

  3. Understand requests to give information about proficiency in Manx.

  4. Understand requests to give information about well-being.


  1. Understand replies given in response to enquiries made under Speaking.

  2. Understand requests to explain information not understood.

  3. Understand requests to give information about proficiency in Manx.

  4. Understand requests to give information about well-being.


  1. Greet and say goodbye to a Manx speaker.

  2. Give and seek information about well-being and express suitable feelings.

  3. Ask someone to explain information not understood (E).

  4. Give (G) and seek (E) information about proficiency in Manx.

Evidence to be offered

Student: Completed worksheet(s) -

Teacher: Checklist or tape recording of student performance -

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