aigh vie! good luck!
argid money
ayd at you
aym at me
ayn in it, in
ayns in
ayns y valley in the town
ayns yn/ ayns y in the
Baarle English language
balley town / farm
bee shiu? will you be?
beemayd we will be
biljyn trees
biljyn mooarey big trees
billey tree
boirit worried
braew fine
brat-laare carpet
Bretyn Wales
C'raad vees shiu cur Where will you be putting
c'raad? where?
castreycair middling
ceau throwing, wearing, spending
cha bee shiu goll you will not be going
cha beemayd we will not be
Cha mie lhiam I don’t like
cha negin dou I must not
Cha nel fys aym I don't know.
Cha nel fys eu You don't know.
Cha s'ayms' I don’t know
çheer country
çheu-mooie outside
çheu-sthie inside
co-earrooder computer
co-loayrtys conversation
cooish affair
cooishyn affairs
Cre mysh...? What about ...?
Cre'n ennym t'er? What's his name?
Cre'n ennym t'ort? What's your name?
Cre'n ennym t'urree? What's her name?
cre'n ennym? what name?
Cre'n fa nagh Why not
Cre'n laa t'ayn? What day is it?
cre'n obbyr? what work?
Cre'n sorch? What sort?
Cre'n traa t'eh nish? What time is it now?
cre'n? what?
cre? what?
creck selling
cuin? when?
cummal living
cur putting, giving
cur seose putting up
daa phremmee two toilets
daa-yeig twelve
drogh bad
drogh stayd a bad state.
duillagyn leaves
dy firrinagh truly
dy jarroo indeed
dy liooar enough / plenty
dy valley wards)
dys to
echey at him
eck at her
ee she, her
eh he, him, it
eisht then
ellan island
Ellan Vannin Isle of Man
elley another
ennym name
er on, on him
er y cheer in the country
er y chlag o'clock
eu at you
faiyr grass
fastyr afternoon / evening
Fastyr mie Good afternoon / evening.
firrinagh true
foast yet, still
fys knowledge
Gaelg Manx language
garey garden
garey mooar big garden
gareydys gardening
ghooinney! man!
giarrey cutting
gura mie ayd thank you
gura mie eu thank you
gyn ourys without doubt
halley hall
Hee’m oo I’ll see you
heese down below
heose up above
hoght er y chlag eight o'clock.
hooar got; found
hooar shiu you got; you found
jarrood forgetting
Jecrean Wednesday
Jedoonee Sunday
Jeheiney Friday
Jelune Monday
Jemayrt Tuesday
Jerdein Thursday
Jesarn Saturday
jiu today
kionnaghey buying
Kys t'ou? How are you?
Kys ta shiu? How are you?
kys? how?
laa day
laaoil daily
laccal wanting
Laghyn ny shiaghtin The days of the week
lainoil lino
leagh price
lhien with us
lioaryn books
magh out
Mannin Mann
Manninagh Manx person
mean-oie midnight
mie good
mie dy liooar well enough
moddey doo black dog
moghrey morning
Moghrey mie Good morning
monney much
mooar big
munlaa midday
Nagh vel? Aren't there?
Nalbin Scotland
nane-jeig eleven
nee? is it?
neemayd we'll do, we'll make
neemayd ceau we'll throw
neesht also
Nerin Ireland
nish now
noa new
noadyr at all
obbyr work
oie night
Oie vie Goodnight.
oo you
ooilley all
orrym on me
ort on you
premmee toilet
Quoi shen? Who's that?
quoi? who?
quoid? how much?
reddyn things
reurey digging
ro olk too bad
ro vie too good
ry-yannoo to be done
s'mie lhien we like
shamyr a room
shamyr-aarlee kitchen
shamyr-lhiabbagh bedroom
shamyr-oonlee bathroom
shamyr-soie sitting-room
shamyryn rooms
shamyryn-lhiabbagh bedrooms
share better, best
share lhien we prefer
she it is
sheese down
Shegin dooin We must
shen that
Shen Ealish That's Ealish.
Shen eh! That’s it!
Shen Orree That's Orry.
shenn vrat-laare old carpet
shiu you
shoh this
Shoh Catreeney This/ Here is Catherine
Shoh Finlo This/Here is Finlo.
skelloo a shelf
skellooyn-lioar bookshelves
slaa painting
Slane lhiat Goodbye
Slane lhiu Goodbye
son for
sorch sort
Sostyn England
spoar space
stayd state
stayd mie good state
steat estate
sy gharey in the garden
sy valley in the town
t'ee she is
t'ee cummal she is living / she lives / she does live
t'eh he is
t'eh cummal he is living / he lives / he does live
Ta fys ayd You know.
Ta fys aym I know.
Ta'n ennym orrym ... My name is ......
thie house
thieoil domestic
thieyn houses
tobbyr-oonlee bath
toiggal understanding
traa time
urrree on her
Vel fys ayd? Do you know?
Vel oo toiggal? Do you understand?
vel oo? are you?
Vel shiu toiggal? Do you understand?
vel shiu? are you?
ymmydit used
ymmydoil useful
yn the
yn chamyr-oonlee the bathroom