The American Inheritance 4.1.2

  1. It’s a wet and windy day.
  2. If you go to the Museum, there’s a big map.
  3. You get used to it.
  4. What’s that in miles?
  5. There’s Ireland, in the west
  6. On the east side of a big map of the Island.
  7. The farm is like a museum!
  8. What’s that in kilometres?
  9. Here, in the middle.
  10. And if you go east, there’s England.
  11. Thirty three miles long and thirteen miles wide.
  12. Look, Kirree - here’s a big map of the Island.
  13. You don’t get used to it.
  14. They go into the Museum.
  15. There’s Scotland in the north, and Wales in the south.
  16. It’s fifty three kilometres long and twenty two kilometres wide.
  17. That farm will be up here somewhere, then.
  18. If you go west, there’s Ireland..
  19. Here, in the Museum.
  20. You’re like a tourists’ book!
  21. Get away!
  22. Juan and Kirree walk down in the middle.
  23. I’m glad to be in here!
  24. And where are Juan and Kirree now?
  25. Look, Juan - here’s the east side of the Island.
  26. Ealee, Juan and Kirree walk down to the Museum.
  27. Quite often.
  28. Yes, in the Ramsey, near the museum, maybe.
  29. They go into the farm.
  30. Quite often the weather wet and windy.
  31. Yes, in the ‘Great North’, near Ramsey, maybe.
  32. I’m glad to be in Ireland.
  33. It’s not twenty two kilometres long and fifty three kilometres wide.
  34. On the east side of the Island.
  35. Is the weather often like this?
  36. And where are we now?
  37. There’s a farm in the north, and a museum in the south.
  38. Thirty three miles long and thirteen miles wide.
  39. That farm will be up here somewhere, then.
  40. Is the weather wet and windy?
  41. It’s often a wet and windy day like this.