The American Inheritance 4.1.3 Yn Eiraght Americaanagh 4.1.3

Ealee, Juan and Kirree look Ta Ealee, Juan as Kirree jeeaghyn
at the stones and slabs which were er ny claghyn as lhic va
made by the ancient Celts and jeant ec ny shenn Cheltiee as
Scandinavians. Loghlinee.
Kirree doesn’t think much of them. Cha nel Kirree coontey monney jeu.
Juan is disappointed. Ta Juan mollit.
He likes the old stones. S’mie leshyn ny shenn chlaghyn.

Kirree: I prefer people to things. Share lhiam sleih na reddyn.
Ealee: What about the old Manx speakers? Cre mysh ny shenn loayrtee Gaelgagh?
Kirree: Is there anything about Vel red erbee ayn mychione
farming? yn eirinys?
Ealee: Yes, certainly. Ta, son shickyrys.
There’s a film about it and Ta fillym ayn my-e-chione as
lots about farming downstairs. ram mychione yn eirinys heese.

They watch the short film and T’ad jeeaghyn er y fillym giare as
then they go down to look eisht t’ad goll sheese dy yeeaghyn
at the interior of the old Manx house. er çheu-sthie yn çhenn thie Manninagh.

Kirree: I can believe Foddym credjal dy row ny
my ancestors lived in a shennayraghyn aym cummal ayns
house like this. thie myr shoh.
Are there any records here Vel recortyssyn erbee ayns shoh
about farms? mychione gowaltyssyn?
Juan: It’s best to go to the Share goll dys
Records Office. Oik ny Recortyssyn.

They go back to Ealee and Juan’s house. T’ad goll erash dys thie Ealee as Yuan.