Part 4.3: Personalised Dialogues
Ayrn 4.3: Coloayrtyssyn Persoonit
a. You are Kirree Crennell and you are talking with Ealee and Juan about a trip to the Museum:
Uss: (Ask if theyre sure they can come.)
Ealee: Ta, son shickyrys. Ta laghyn seyrey ain.
Uss: (Ask if theyve both got jobs.)
Ealee: Ta, kiartaghyn-offish.
Uss: (Say you couldnt work in an office.)
Juan: Teh dree.
Uss: (Say you are ready to go.)
b. Ealee, Juan and Kirree are in the Museum, talking about the geography of the Island. You are Juan:
Uss: (Say Heres a big map of the Island.)
Ealee: Teh tree kilomeadar jeig as daeed er liurid.
Uss: (Ask what that is in miles.)
Ealee: Tree meeiley jeig as feed.
Uss: (Say that shes like a tourists book.)
Ealee: Ersooyl lhiat!
Kirree: Craad ta shinyn nish?
Uss: (Say In the middle, on the east side of the Island.)
c. Ealee, Juan and Kirree are looking at the Celtic and Scandinavian stones and slabs. You are Kirree:
Juan: Jeeagh, shoh ny shenn lhic va jeant ec ny Celtiee as Loghlinee.
Uss: (Say OK, but you prefer people.)
Juan: Smie lhiam ny shenn chlaghyn.
Uss: (Ask if theres anything about farming.)
Ealee: Ta, son shickyrys. Teh heese.
Uss: (Say Lets go!)
d. Ealee, Juan and Kirree are looking at the old Manx house in the Museum. You are Ealee:
Uss: (Say Your ancestors lived in a house like this.)
Kirree: Vel recortyssyn erbee ayns shoh?
Uss: (Say they are in the Records Office.)
Kirree: Mie dy liooar.