Part 5.1

The American Inheritance 5.1.1

  1. They go through Onchan and Maughold.
  2. You get some beautiful views.
  3. That’s Laxey down there.
  4. Is there petrol in it? Yes.
  5. Why?
  6. You get some beautiful sandwiches.
  7. We’ll be looking for your grandfather.
  8. That’s a rare view in the Isle of Man.
  9. I got some petrol yesterday.
  10. The land’s flat over there.
  11. Flat land is rare.
  12. Kirree would like to go out looking for her ‘family farm’.
  13. We’ll be looking for this farm.
  14. We’ll be looking for petrol in it.
  15. I got some yesterday.
  16. That’s rare in the Isle of Man.
  17. Maybe we’ll be looking for a beautiful farm.
  18. It’s beautiful country sure enough.
  19. Ballaugh is a few miles from here.
  20. Shall we go on the farm?
  21. Don’t be making sandwiches.
  22. Don’t be silly!
  23. Ballaugh is beautiful sure enough.
  24. They get petrol and set off.
  25. Kirree would like to go out looking for ‘Ballacrennell’.
  26. They make sandwiches and set off.
  27. Shall we go on the electric railway to Ramsey?
  28. Maybe we’ll be looking for a farm called ‘Ballacrennell’.
  29. Oh, yes..we’ll have to go in the car.
  30. Don’t be joking!
  31. Wasn’t your surname ‘Crennell’?
  32. That’s Ramsey down there.
  33. They’ll be going through Onchan, Laxey and Maughold.
  34. We’ll be looking for beautiful country sure enough.
  35. Wasn’t your grandfather’s surname ‘Crennell’?
  36. We’ll have to go in her ‘family farm’.
  37. Don’t be looking for flat land.

  38. Ballaugh
  39. beautiful
  40. called
  41. car
  42. country
  43. Don’t be
  44. down there.
  45. electric railway
  46. family
  47. farm
  48. few
  49. flat
  50. from
  51. go
  52. grandfather
  53. her
  54. here
  55. I got
  56. in it
  57. in the
  58. Isle of Man.
  59. Is there
  60. It’s
  61. joking
  62. land
  63. Laxey
  64. looking for
  65. Maughold
  66. Maybe
  67. miles
  68. on the
  69. Onchan
  70. over there
  71. petrol
  72. Ramsey
  73. rare
  74. sandwiches
  75. set off
  76. Shall we?
  77. silly
  78. some
  79. sure enough.
  80. surname
  81. That’s
  82. They go
  83. They make
  84. this farm
  85. through
  86. to
  87. to go out
  89. Wasn’t ?
  90. We’ll be
  91. We’ll have to
  92. Why?
  93. would like
  94. yesterday
  95. You get
  96. your