Part 6.3 Personalised Dialogues
Ayrn 6.3 Coloayrtyssyn Persoonit
a. Kirree finds out about Tynwald. You are Ealee:
Uss: (Say Theres Tynwald Hill.)
Kirree: Cred ta Tinvaal?
Uss: (Say The Manx parliament.)
Kirree: Nagh ren oo clashtyn mychione Tinvaal?
Uss: (Say I didnt listen.)
KIrree: Tan Kiare as Feed yn ayrn smoo scanshoil jeh Tinvaal.
Uss: (Ask Why Twenty-Four?)
Kirree: Er y fa dy vel kiare olteynyn as feed ayn.
b. You are Juan, talking about transport:
Uss: (Say Look at that bus! Were stuck now.)
Ealee: Shoh dooinney ta boirit mychione y çhymmyltaght!
Kirree: Cre goll rish tan arraghey theayagh?
Uss: (Say It depends on where you live.)
Ealee: Teh olk fegooish gleashtan.
Uss: (Say There are steam trains and electric trains as well.)
c. Kirree and Ealee discuss transport to and from the Island. You are
Kirree: Cre mychione arraghey gys as voish Mannin?
Uss: (Say You can fly or sail.)
Kirree: Nod oo getlagh eddyr yn Ellan as Nerin?
Uss: (Say Yes.)
Kirree: Nod oo shiaulley gys Nerin car ny bleeaney?
Uss: (Say No. You can sail in the summer.)
d. You are Kirree, asking about employment in the Isle of Man:
Uss: (Say Do lots of tourists come here?)
Ealee: Cha nel. Cha nel eh goll rish ny shenn laghyn.
Agh tan turrysid çheet neese nish.
Uss: (Say What about farming?)
Ealee: Sdoillee ve dty eirinagh ayns Mannin!
Uss: (Say Whats the most important thing?)
Ealee: Y kerroo-argidys.