Module 2

ad shen those
aght way
anmagh late
as uss gimman and you driving
awin river
awinyn rivers
ayn in (existence)
ayns in
ayns y ghleashtan in the car
ayns y vlein in the year
baatey boat
Baie ny Carrickey Bay ny Carrickey
baljyn towns
balley town
Balley Chashtal Castletown
Balley Moddey Ballamodha
Barroole Jiass South Barrule
barroose bus, a bus
bayr road
Bayr ny Skeddan Herring Road
Bee Will be
bee oo shiaulley? will you be sailing?
beeym I値l be
beeym goll I'll be going
beinn summit
Ben my Chree Woman of My Heart
boayl a place
booa cow
bunnys nearly
caffee coffee
cappan dy hey cup of tea
cassyn feet
cha dod shin we could not
cha jeanym I won't do; I won't make
Cha row Was not
chammah as shen as well as that
çheer country
Çheer-oaylleeaght geography
çheet coming
clashtyn hearing
cliaghtey goll used to go
colught company
conneeyn rabbits
coorseyn courses
corp body
cre mysh ..? what about ..?
cre ny laghyn elley? which other days?
cre ny laghyn? which days?
cre地 aght? how?
cre'n fa? why?
cre地 sorch? what sort?
Cre'n traa? What time?
credjal believe
creg a rock
Creg ny Baa Cow痴 rock
creggyn rocks
Creneash Cregneash
cronk a hill
Cronk ny Mona hill of peat
cruink hills
cuin? when?
daa vinnid yeig as daeed fify-two minutes
deiney men
deiney keoi madmen
Did ren
dooar oo? did you get?
doodeeyn girls
Doolish Douglas
dy heer of country
dy vaatey of boat
dy valley home
dy vel that ... is; that ... are
dys to
eayninyn cliffs
eddrym light
eddyr between
eisht then
Ellan Vannin Isle of Man
Ellan Vannin Isle of Man
er y vaatey on the boat
er y varroose on the bus
er yn etlan on the plane
Ersooyl lhiat! Get away with you!
etlan plane
faggys da near to
fakin seeing
fastyr afternoon
Fastyr jiu this afternoon
fea a rest
feer vie very good
foast still, yet
fys knowledge
gaal steam
garraghey shifting
geaishtagh listening
geddyn getting
getlagh flying
ghooinney! man!
gimman driving
gleashtan car, a car
glion a glen
Glion Meay Glenmaye
glionteeyn glens
goll going
gow kiarail take care
gra saying
gys to
harrish over
hed eh it will go; he will go
Hie mee I went
hie shin we went
hig eh it will come; it will go
hooar got
jagh oo? did you go?
jarrood! forget!
jean oo goll? will you go?
jean oo? will you do/make?
jeant done; made
Jecrean Wednesday
Jelune Monday
Jemayrt Tuesday
Jesarn Saturday
jiass south
jiu today
kayt cat
Kayt-Marrey SeaCat
keead hundred
keoi mad
kerroo lurg jeih quarter past ten
kione head
Kione Vradda Head
kyndagh rish because of
lane complete
lectragh electric
Lerpoyll Liverpool
lieh-oor lurg half an hour past
Loghlinish Norwegian
lughtyn cargoes
marrey of the sea
meainyn mines
moddey doo black dog
mooir sea
mullagh Sniaul summit of Snaefell
mun-laa midday
Mwyllin Doo Aah Union Mills
my-yiass to the south, southwards
mygeayrt around
noon as noal backwards and forwards
nuy nine
nuyoo cheead jeig nineteen hundred
Ny Skauryn The Chasms
ny smoo na shen more than that
ooilley all
paggad packet
Paggad Bree Steam Packet
Paggad Gaal Steam Packet
pedryl petrol
Purt port
Purt Chiarn Port Erin
Purt le Moirrey Port St Mary
Purt ny hInshey Peel
quaiyl court
Quoid hooar oo? How much did you get?
Raad ny Skeddan Road of the Herring
raad Valley Chashtal Castletown Road
recortys record
reesht again
ren did, made
Ren Catreeney çheet? Did Catreeney come?
Ren mee goll I went
Rhumsaa Ramsey
rhyt to you
rieau ever
Roonysvaie Ronaldsway
Row Was?
s男erree last
s'mie lhiam I like
saagh tappee a fast craft
seose up
shaghey past
shappal shopping
sheeoil peaceful
shen eh that's it
shenn laghyn old days
shenn traenyn old trains
shiaulley sailing
shirrey looking for
shooyl walking
shooylaghan promenade
skeddan herring
skee tired
Skianyn Vannin Manx Airlines
sniaghtee of snow
son shickyrys for sure, certainly
sy ghleashtan in the car
sy nuyoo cheead jeig in the nineteenth century
sy traa ry-heet in the future
sy vlein in the year
sy voghrey in the morning
ta fys aym I know
Ta lane fys ayd er You well know
tappee fast
tarroogh busy
tey tea
thalloo land
thurrys a trip
toor-soilshey lighthouse
tra when
traenyn trains
Traenyn Vannin Manx trains
traenyn-bree steam trains
Tree Cassyn Vannin The Three Legs of Mann.
troailt travelling
trooid through
turrys a trip
twoaie north
un-cholbagh mono-hull
v'ee she was
vees will be
voish from
Vraane as gheiney seyrey Ladies and gentlemen
y Cholloo the Calf
Y Keyllys The Sound
y laa shen that day
y Vurroo the Burroo
yn chied the first
yn chied thurrys the first trip/journey

afternoon fastyr
again reesht
all ooilley
and you driving as uss gimman
around mygeayrt
as well as that chammah as shen
backwards and forwards noon as noal
Ballamodha Balley Moddey
Bay ny Carrickey Baie ny Carrickey
because of kyndagh rish
believe credjal
between eddyr
black dog moddey doo
boat baatey
body corp
bus, a bus barroose
busy tarroogh
car, a car gleashtan
cargoes lughtyn
Castletown Balley Chashtal
Castletown Road raad Valley Chashtal
cat kayt
cliffs eayninyn
coffee caffee
coming çheet
company colught
complete lane
country çheer
courses coorseyn
court quaiyl
cow booa
Cow痴 rock Creg ny Baa
craft saagh
Cregneash Creneash
cup of tea cappan dy hey
Did Catreeney come? Ren Catreeney çheet?
did you get? dooar oo?
did you go? jagh oo?
did, made ren
done; made jeant
Douglas Doolish
driving gimman
electric lectragh
ever rieau
fast tappee
fast tappee
feet cassyn
fify-two minutes daa vinnid yeig as daeed
flying getlagh
for sure, certainly son shickyrys
forget! jarrood!
from voish
geography Çheer-oaylleeaght
Get away with you! Ersooyl lhiat!
getting geddyn
girls doodeeyn
glen glion
Glenmaye Glion Meay
glens glionteeyn
going goll
got hooar
half an hour past lieh-oor lurg
head kione
Head Kione Vradda
hearing clashtyn
herring skeddan
Herring Road Bayr ny Skeddan
hill cronk
hill of peat Cronk ny Mona
hills cruink
home dy valley
How much did you get? Quoid hooar oo?
how? cre地 aght?
hundred keead
I know ta fys aym
I like s'mie lhiam
I went Hie mee
I went Ren mee goll
I won't do; I won't make cha jeanym
I値l be beeym
I'll be going beeym goll
in ayns
in (existence) ayn
in the car sy ghleashtan
in the car ayns y ghleashtan
in the future sy traa ry-heet
in the morning sy voghrey
in the nineteenth century sy nuyoo cheead jeig
in the year sy vlein
in the year ayns y vlein
Isle of Man Ellan Vannin
it will come; it will go hig eh
it will go; he will go hed eh
knowledge fys
Ladies and gentlemen Vraane as gheiney seyrey
land thalloo
last s男erree
late anmagh
light eddrym
lighthouse toor-soilshey
listening geaishtagh
Liverpool Lerpoyll
looking for shirrey
mad keoi
madmen deiney keoi
man! ghooinney!
Manx Airlines Skianyn Vannin
Manx trains Traenyn Vannin
men deiney
midday mun-laa
mines meainyn
Monday Jelune
mono-hull un-cholbagh
more than that ny smoo na shen
near to faggys da
nearly bunnys
nine nuy
nineteen hundred nuyoo cheead jeig
north twoaie
Norwegian Loghlinish
of boat dy vaatey
of country dy heer
of snow sniaghtee
of the sea marrey
old days shenn laghyn
old trains shenn traenyn
on the boat er y vaatey
on the bus er y varroose
on the plane er yn etlan
over harrish
packet paggad
past shaghey
peaceful sheeoil
Peel Purt ny hInshey
petrol pedryl
place boayl
plane etlan
port Purt
Port Erin Purt Chiarn
Port St Mary Purt le Moirrey
promenade shooylaghan
quarter past ten kerroo lurg jeih
rabbits conneeyn
Ramsey Rhumsaa
record recortys
ren Did
rest fea
river awin
rivers awinyn
road bayr
Road of the Herring Raad ny Skeddan
rock creg
rocks creggyn
Ronaldsway Roonysvaie
sailing shiaulley
Saturday Jesarn
saying gra
sea mooir
SeaCat Kayt-Marrey
seeing fakin
she was v'ee
shifting garraghey
shopping shappal
south jiass
South Barrule Barroole Jiass
steam gaal
Steam Packet Paggad Bree, Paggad Gaal
steam trains traenyn-bree
still, yet foast
summit beinn
summit of Snaefell mullagh Sniaul
take care gow kiarail
tea tey
that ... is; that ... are dy vel
that day y laa shen
that's it shen eh
the Burroo y Vurroo
the Calf y Cholloo
The Chasms Ny Skauryn
the first yn chied
the first trip/journey yn chied thurrys
The Sound Y Keyllys
The Three Legs of Mann. Tree Cassyn Vannin
then eisht
this afternoon Fastyr jiu
those ad shen
through trooid
tired skee
to dys, gys
to the south, southwards my-yiass
to you rhyt
today jiu
town balley
towns baljyn
trains traenyn
travelling troailt
trip turrys
Tuesday Jemayrt
Union Mills Mwyllin Doo Aah
up seose
used to go cliaghtey goll
very good feer vie
walking shooyl
Was not Cha row
Was? Row
way aght
we could not cha dod shin
we went hie shin
Wednesday Jecrean
what about ..? cre mysh ..?
what sort? cre地 sorch?
What time? Cre'n traa?
when tra
when? cuin?
which days? cre ny laghyn?
which other days? cre ny laghyn elley?
why? cre'n fa?
Will be Bee
will be vees
will you be sailing? bee oo shiaulley?
will you do/make? jean oo?
will you go? jean oo goll?
Woman of My Heart Ben my Chree
You well know Ta lane fys ayd er