The American Inheritance 9.1.2 Yn Eiraght Americaanagh 9.1.2

After half an hour, the Inspector Lurg lieh oor, ta'n Scruteyr
and Kirree come out of the as Kirree çheet magh ass yn
sitting room. çhamyr-soie.

Ealee: Would you like a cup of tea, By vie lhiat cappan dy hey,
Inspector Jones? Scruteyr Jones?
Inspector: No, thanks very much. Cha by vie lhiam, gura mie mooar eu.
I have to get back. Shegin dou goll erash.
Thank you for your help, Gura mie eu son dty chooney,
Kirree. Chirree.

The Inspector leaves the house. Ta'n Scruteyr faagail y thie.
Kirree looks worried. Ta Kirree jeeaghyn boirit.

Kirree: I don't believe this. Cha nel mee credjal shoh.
He took my passport from me! Ghow eh my chied-troailt voym!

Juan: You don't say! N'abbyr un 'ockle!
Why did he do that? Cre'n fa ren eh shen?

Kirree: Some nonsense from Boghtynid ennagh veih
the Cleveland police. meoiryn-shee Cleveland.
Maybe I've got a false Foddee dy vel kied-troailt
passport! foalsey aym!

Juan: How could that be? Cre'n aght oddagh shen y ve?
It's ridiculous! T'eh ommidjagh!

Kirree: I'm sure they'll sort Ta mee shickyr dy jean ad reaghey it out. eh.
How about going Cre mysh goll
to the Records Office? dys Oik ny Recortyssyn?

Ealee: Yes, that's a good idea. She, shen eie mie.

Kirree goes upstairs to get ready. Ta Kirree goll seose dy yannoo aarloo.