Reaghey Module 3 Arrangements
Cre'n traa t'eh nish?
What time is it now?
traa (traa) - time
Cre'n traa t'eh nish? (krinn-TRAA-tay-NISH) - What time is it now?
nane-jeig (NAAN-jegg) - eleven
daa-yeig (DAA-yegg) - twelve
munlaa (munn-laa) - midday
mean-oie (mayn-ee) - midnight
Cre'n traa t'eh nish? (krinn-TRAA-tay-NISH) - What time is it now?
er y chlag (err-a-KHLAGG) - o'clock
T'eh hoght er y chlag (tay-HAWKH-err-a-KHLAGG) - It's eight o'clock.
cuin? (kwunn) - when?
foast (fohss) - yet / still
Vel eh nuy er y chlag foast? (VELL-a-NEE-err-a-KHLAGG-fohss)
- Is it nine o'clock yet?
Cre'n traa t'ou uss goll? - What time are you going?
Cur Gaelg orroo shoh:
Fill in the words.
Vel oo goll dys Doolish nish ?
{1}________ . Ta mee goll nish . Cre'n traa {2}________ uss goll ?
Hoght er y chlag , {3}________ dy liooar .
Cre'n traa t'eh nish , {4}________ fys ayd ?
T'eh shiaght er y {5}________ nish . Ta traa dy liooar ayd .
{6}________ nel , dy jarroo ! Slane lhiat nish .
{7}________ lhiat .
Word List
vel chlag traa Slane t'ou Ta
Yn Traa Reesht
The Time Again
reesht (reesh) - again
Yn traa reesht (an-TRAA-reesh) - The time again.
We looked at telling the time before. To take this a bit further, we need words like 'kerroo', meaning 'quarter'.
As well as being used to tell the time, 'kerroo' crops up as a measure of land.
Have a look at a map of the Island to find examples of this (sometimes spelled 'kerrow').
We pronounce 'kerroo' as 'KERR-oo' with the stress on the FIRST syllable:
kerroo (KERR-oo) - quarter
dys (duss) - to
lurg (lurg) - after
kerroo dys (KERR-oo-DUSS) - quarter to
kerroo lurg (KERR-oo-LURG) - quarter past
lieh (l'yay) - half
oor (oor) - hour
lieh oor lurg (l'yay-oor-lurg) - half (an hour) past
Lurg y Giense
After the Party
lurg (lurg) - after
Ealish: Row y giense mie?
Catreeney: Va, v'eh feer vie. Va bee as jough dy-liooar ec ny paitçhyn.
Ealish: Braghtanyn, brishtagyn as miljyn?
Catreeney: Shen eh. As ram limonaid. Stoo slayntoil, dy-jarroo!
Ealish: Row Breeshey jeant bwooiagh?
Catreeney: Va, son shickyrys.
Ealish: S'mie shen.
Row y giense mie? (row-a-g'yinss-MY) - Was the party good?
Va (vaa) - Yes ('Was').
Remember that in Manx, as in other Celtic languages, there are no direct words for 'Yes' and 'No'.
In answer to the question 'Row y giense mie?' (Was the party good?), Catreeney says 'Va', which you can take as meaning 'It was'.
mie (my) - good
feer (feer / fee) - very
feer vie (fee-vy) - very good
'feer' can cause letter changes (mutations) in words following it.
Another example is:
feer veg (fee-vegg) - very little
Y Giense
The Party
y giense (a-G'YINSS) - the party
Co-loayrtys (ko-LAWRT-uss) - Conversation
Catreeney: Shegin dou goll dys ny shappyn nish.
Ealish: Cre'n fa? Nagh ren oo goll jea?
Catreeney: Ren. Ta shin laccal tooilley stoo son y ghiense.
Ealish: Cre'n giense?
Catreeney: Giense Vreeshey. Bee ish shey bleeaney dy eash mairagh.
Ealish: A s bee caarjyn dy-liooar cheet dys y ghiense?
Catreeney: Bee. Caarjyn ass towse!
shegin dou (SHY-in-DOW) - I must ('DOW' rhymes with 'how')
'Shegin dou' can be translated as 'There is compulsion to me'.
'Shegin dhyt'
is the Manx for 'You must'.
Shegin dou goll (SHY-in-dow-GULL) - I must go.
dys ny shappyn (duss-na-SHAPP-an) - to the shops
Cre'n fa? (krinn-FAA) - Why? ('What reason?')
Nagh ren oo goll? (NAKH-renn-oo-GULL) - Didn't you go?
Ren (renn) - Yes ('Did')
Vel fys ayd?
1. 'Shegin dou' - I must can also be translated as -
2. To show it is Breeshey's party, we change the 'B' to '?'.
3. When we say 'The Isle of Man'', we change the 'M' in 'Mannin' to '?'
Fill in the words
Shegin dou goll dys ny shappyn nish .
Cren {1}________ ? Nagh ren oo goll jea ?
Ren . {2}________ shin laccal tooilley stoo son y ghiense .
{3}________ giense ?
Giense Vreeshey . Bee ish shey bleeaney {4}________ eash mairagh .
As bee caarjyn dy-liooar cheet {5}________ y ghiense ?
Bee . Caarjyn ass towse !
Word List
Cre'n dys dy fa
C'raad hie shiu?
Where did you go?
hie (hy) - went (Say 'high')
hie shiu (HY-shoo) - you went
There is another way of saying 'You went':
ren shiu goll (renn-shoo-GULL) - you went
ren (renn) - did, made
ren shiu (RENN-shoo) - you did, you made
goll (gull) - going
Co-loayrtys (ko-LAWRT-uss)
Ealish: C'raad hie shiu riyr?
Catreeney: Hie shin dys Laksaa.
Ealish: C'red va goll er ayns shen?
Catreeney: Seshoon-kiaullee.
Ealish: Cre'n sorçh dy chiaulleeaght?
Catreeney: Kiaulleeaght veih Nerin as Mannin.
Ealish: Row eh mie?.
Catreeney: Va. V'eh mie dy-liooar.
Ealish: Bee'm goll dys Purt ny Hinshey oie ny vairagh.
Catreeney: Cre'n fa?
Ealish: Seshoon-kiaullee elley!
C'raad hemmayd?
Where will we go?
c'raad? (kraad) - where?
hemmayd (HEMM-udj) - we'll go
Juan: C'raad hemmayd noght?
Catreeney: Cha s'aym. By vie lhiat goll dys y thie-fillym?
Juan: Foddee. Agh bare lhiam goll dys Laksaa.
Catreeney: Cre'n fa? C'red ta goll er ayns shen?
Juan: Seshoon-kiaullee.
Catreeney: Cre'n sorçh dy chiaulleeaght?
Juan: Kiaulleeaght y theay veih Mannin as Nerin.
Catreeney: Mie dy-liooar. Hemmayd!
There are two ways of saying 'We'll go':
hemmayd (HEMM-udj) - we'll go
neemayd goll (N'YIMM-udj-GULL) - we'll go
neemayd (N'YIMM-udj) - we'll do, we'll make
goll (gull) - going
noght (nawkh) - tonight
cha s'aym (ha-SEMM) - I don't know
By vie lhiat goll? (ba-VY-l'yatt-GULL) - Would you like to go?
dys (duss) - to
y thie-fillym (a-TY-FILL-um) - the cinema ('the house of film')
bare lhiam (BARE-l'yamm) - I'd prefer
'bare lhiam' literally means 'would be better with me' ('I'd prefer')
Laksaa (LAX-a) - Laxey
goll er (gull-err) - going on
ayns shen (unss-SHEN) - there
seshoon-kiaullee (sezh-OON-K'YAWLL-ee) - a music session
cre'n sorçh? (krinn-SURCH) - what sort?
dy chiaulleeaght (tha-H'YAWLL-ee-akht) - of music
kiaulleeaght y theay (K'YAWLL-ee-akht-a-TEE-a)
- folk music (music of the people)
veih (vy) - from
Nerin (N'YAY-rin) - Ireland
Cur Gaelg orroo shoh:
What activities are there? = Cre ny roortyssyn tayn?
Have you got the list of events? = Vel y list jeh ny h-immeeaghtyn ayd / eu?
Vel list ny h-immeeaghtyn ayd / eu?
How much does it cost to go in? = Quoid teh costal dy gholl stiagh?
Whats the entrance fee? = Cred tan tailley-stiagh?
How much does it cost to take part? = Quoid teh costal dy ghoaill ayrn?
Ive lost the tickets! = Ta mee er choayl ny tiggadyn!
Have you lost them? = Vel ad caillt ayd / eu?
The concert is starting late = Tan cuirrey-kiaullee goaill toshiaght anmagh.
We have a problem - the seats are double booked = Ta doilleeid ain - ta ny soiagyn bookit / claarit daa cheayrt.
When will the cinema be open? = Cuin vees y thie-fillym foshlit?
Come to the cinema with us = Tar dys y thie-fillym marin.
She liked going to the theatre = Bynney lhee goll dys y thie-cloie.
They used to go to the cinema every weekend = Vad cliaghtey goll dys y thie- fillym gagh jerrey-shiaghtin.
People in the north want a cinema = Ta sleih sy twoaie laccal thie-fillym.
People think there are enough theatres in the Isle of Man = Ta sleih smooinaghtyn dy vel thieyn-cloie dy liooar ayns Mannin.
My uncle likes football = Smie lesh my naim bluckan-coshey.
He likes watching football on television = Smie lesh jeeaghyn er bluckan- coshey er y çhellveeish.
My uncle prefers reading books = Share lesh y naim ayms lhaih lioaryn.
She likes watching television = Smie lhee jeeaghyn er y çhellveeish.
He prefers computers = Share leshyn co-earrooderyn.
Theyre interested in swimming and tennis = Ta anaase oc er snaue as bassag.
I cant swim and I cant play tennis! = Cha noddym snaue as cha noddym cloie bassag!
How far away is the sports centre? = Cre cho foddey ersooyl as tan laare- spoyrt?
Lots of people go walking in the Isle of Man = Ta ram sleih goll shooyl ayns Mannin.
Is that so? I dont see many of them = Vel? Cha nel mee fakin monney jeu.
Lots of people take part in music making in the Isle of Man = Shimmey peiagh ta currit dan chiaulleeaght ayns Mannin.
Some of them like folk music = Smie lesh paart jeu kiaull y theay.
+ ? -
like Smie Mie Cha mie
prefer Share Nhare Cha nhare
Personal leisure
Soccar persoonagh
Do you watch television very often? Yes! = Vel oo jeeaghyn er y çhellveeish feer vennick? Ta!
She likes listening to music = Smie lhee geaishtagh rish kiaull(eeaght).
Are you going dancing tonight? No. = Vel oo goll daunsin noght? Cha nel.
Will she be going swimming with Jonee tomorrow? Yes. = Bee ish goll snaue marish Jonee mairagh? Bee.
They like cycle racing = Smie lhieu ratçhal-roar.
How often do you go horse riding? Every Sunday= Cre cho mennick as tou markiaghey cabbil? Gagh Doonaght/Jedoonee.
Will you play tennis with Michael? No. = Jean oo cloie bassag marish Maayl? Cha jeanym.
I was sailing at the weekend. Do you like sailing? = Va mee shiaulley ec y jerrey-shiaghtin. Mie lhiat shiaulley?
Will you play table tennis with me? Yes. = Jean oo cloie bassag-voayrd marym? Neem.
She likes to go walking in the hills = Smie lhee shooyl ayns ny crink.
Do you prefer to read books? Yes. = Nhare lhiat lhaih lioaryn? Share lhiam.
Ealish likes reading novels = Smie lesh Ealish lhaih oorskeealyn.
He prefers listening to music = Share lesh geaishtagh rish kiaull.
They dont like folk music = Cha mie lhieu kiaull y theay.
Its easy to watch motor bike racing in the Isle of Man = Saashagh jeeaghyn er ratçhal-roar-bree ayns Mannin.
Can you swim? Yes = Nod oo snaue? Foddym.
Can you ski? No = Nod oo sheeal? Cha noddym.
Can Ealish ride horses? Yes = Nod Ealish markiaghey cabbil? Foddee.
Juan can play football very well = Foddee Juan cloie bluckan-coshey feer vie.
Illiam cant ski very well = Cha nod Illiam sheeal feer vie.
We can play cards tomorrow = Fodmayd cloie kaartyn mairagh.
Come in and play cards with us! = Tar stiagh as cloie kaartyn marin!
Play the piano for us! = Cloie yn pianney dooin!
Catreeney can play the flute = Foddee Catreeney cloie yn feddan mooar.
Juan was playing the violin = Va Juan cloie yn viol.
I dont like sport, I prefer playing music = Cha mie lhiam spoyrt, share lhiam cloie kiaull.
How do you spend your free time? = Cren aght tou ceau yn traa seyr ayd?
Have you got a hobby? = Vel ceau-traa ayd?
Ill be learning to skate on Saturday = Beem gynsaghey skirraghtyn Jesarn.
Would you like to come walking with us this afternoon? Yes = By vie lhiat çheet shooyl marin fastyr jiu? By vie lhiam.
I dont like watching television, its boring = Cha mie lhiam jeeaghyn er y çhellveeish, teh dree.
Does she have much leisure time? = Vel monney traa-soccar eck?
Is he interested in it? Yes. = Vel sym / anaase echey er? Ta.
Im not interested in tennis = Cha nel anaase aym er bassag.
He enjoys good conversation = Teh goaill soylley jeh co-loayrtys mie.
What times does the museum open and close? = Cre ny traaghyn as tan thie-tashtee goll er fosley as dooney?
Leisure and Facilities
Soccar as Seyraaidyn
Are there many leisure facilities here? No = Vel monney seyraaidyn-soccar ayns shoh? Cha nel.
What are the leisure facilities in this town? = Cre ny seyraaidyn-soccar sy valley shoh?
Thats the new sports centre = Shen y laare-spoyrt noa.
Well go to the National Sports Centre, wont we? Yes. = Neemayd goll gys y Laare-Spoyrt Ashoonagh, nagh jeanmayd? Neemayd.
What do you think of the leisure facilities in the Isle of Man? Theyre improving =
Cred tou coontey jeh ny seyraaidyn-soccar ayns Mannin?
Tad sharaghey.
Who wants leisure facilities? = Quoi ta laccal seyraaidyn-soccar?
I think a lot of this pitch = Ta mee soiaghey jehn faaie shoh.
I dont think much of this swimming pool = Cha nel mee coontey monney jehn loghan-snaue shoh.
In this area, you can play football, tennis, cricket and rugby = Ayns yn ard shoh, foddee oo cloie bluckan-coshey, bassag, criggad as ruggyr.
77% of the inhabitants think there are enough public parks = Ta shiaght-jeig as tree feed sy cheead jeh ny cummaltee smooinaghtyn dy vel pairkyn-theayagh dy liooar ayn.
Is the public library big enough? = Vel y lioarlagh-theayagh mooar dy liooar?
There arent enough childrens play areas in the Isle of Man = Cha nel ynnydyn- cloie dy liooar son paitçhyn ayns Mannin.
94% of the inhabitants think there are enough facilities for country walks
= Ta kiare-jeig as kiare feed sy cheead jeh ny cummaltee smooinaghtyn dy vel seyraaidyn dy liooar ayn ry hoi shooyl er y çheer.
am, are, is Ta Vel Cha nel
was, were Va Row Cha row
can * Foddee Nod Cha nod
Would you like to go out tonight? Yes / No = By vie lhiat / lhiu goll magh noght? By vie lhiam / Cha by vie lhiam.
Would you like to watch television tomorrow? Certainly. = By vie lhiat / lhiu jeeaghyn er y çhellveeish mairagh? Son shickyrys.
Would Juan like to come with us, do you think? No. = By vie lesh Juan çheet mârin, tou smooinaghtyn? Cha by vie lesh.
Heres an invitation to the theatre. Would Ealish want it? Yes. = Shoh cuirrey gys y thie-cloie. Beagh Ealish laccal eh? Veagh.
I dont want to go, thanks = Cha nel mee laccal goll, gura mie ayd / eu.
They invited Catreeney to the party = Hug ad cuirrey da Catreeney gys y giense.
We want five tickets, three for adults and two for children = Ta shin laccal queig tiggadyn, tree son sleih aasit as jees son paitçhyn.
I want to book sixty tickets, please = By vie lhiam claaraghey tree feed tiggad, my sailt / sailliu / By vie lhiam bookal tree feed tiggad, my sailt / sailliu.
Is it booked? = Vel eh claarit? / Vel eh bookit?
When does the film start? = Cuin nee y fillym goaill toshiaght?
When does the concert end? = Cuin hig y cuirrey-kiaullee gys jerrey?
How do you get there? = Cren aght tou roshtyn gys shen?
We have to arrange where well meet = Teh orrin reaghey craad vees mayd çheet nyn guail.
Theyll meet at seven oclock in the town hall = Nee ad meeiteil ec shiaght er y chlag sy halley baljagh.
Leisure and Arrangements
Soccar as Reaghey
Would you like to go out tonight? Yes / No = By vie lhiat / lhiu goll magh noght? By vie lhiam / Cha by vie lhiam.
Would you like to watch television tomorrow? Certainly. = By vie lhiat / lhiu jeeaghyn er y çhellveeish mairagh? Son shickyrys.
Would Juan like to come with us, do you think? No. = By vie lesh Juan çheet mârin, tou smooinaghtyn? Cha by vie lesh.
Heres an invitation to the theatre. Would Ealish want it? Yes. = Shoh cuirrey gys y thie-cloie. Beagh Ealish laccal eh? Veagh.
I dont want to go, thanks = Cha nel mee laccal goll, gura mie ayd / eu.
They invited Catreeney to the party = Hug ad cuirrey da Catreeney gys y giense.
What activities are there? = Cre ny roortyssyn tayn?
Have you got the list of events? = Vel y list jeh ny h-immeeaghtyn ayd / eu?
Vel list ny h-immeeaghtyn ayd / eu?
How much does it cost to go in? = Quoid teh costal dy gholl stiagh?
Whats the entrance fee? = Cred tan tailley-stiagh?
How much does it cost to take part? = Quoid teh costal dy ghoaill ayrn?
We want five tickets, three for adults and two for children = Ta shin laccal queig tiggadyn, tree son sleih aasit as jees son paitçhyn.
I want to book sixty tickets, please = By vie lhiam claaraghey tree feed tiggad, my sailt / sailliu / By vie lhiam bookal tree feed tiggad, my sailt / sailliu.
Is it booked? = Vel eh claarit? / Vel eh bookit?
When does the film start? = Cuin nee y fillym goaill toshiaght?
When does the concert end? = Cuin hig y cuirrey-kiaullee gys jerrey?
How do you get there? = Cren aght tou roshtyn gys shen?
We have to arrange where well meet = Teh orrin reaghey craad vees mayd çheet nyn guail.
Theyll meet at seven oclock in the town hall = Nee ad meeiteil ec shiaght er y chlag sy halley baljagh.
Ive lost the tickets! = Ta mee er choayl ny tiggadyn!
Have you lost them? = Vel ad caillt ayd / eu?
The concert is starting late = Tan cuirrey-kiaullee goaill toshiaght anmagh.
We have a problem - the seats are double booked = Ta doilleeid ain - ta ny soiagyn bookit / claarit daa cheayrt.
How far away is the sports centre? = Cre cho foddey ersooyl as tan laare- spoyrt?
When will the cinema be open? = Cuin vees y thie-fillym foshlit?
What times does the museum open and close? = Cre ny traaghyn as tan thie-tashtee goll er fosley as dooney?
am, are, is Ta Vel Cha nel
gave/put Hug Dug Cha dug
would$ Veagh beagh Cha beagh
would like + By vie By vie Cha by vie
will * Nee Jean Cha jean
can * Foddee Nod Cha nod
will come * Hig Jig Cha jig
Are there shops near here? = Vel shappyn faggys da shoh?
Yes, but theyre not very good = Ta, agh cha nel ad ro vie.
There are better shops about a mile from here = Ta shappyn share mysh meeiley voish shoh.
Were going to the public library now = Ta shin goll dys y lioarlagh theayagh nish.
Im on the way to the cinema = Ta mish er y raad dys y thie-fillym.
Wheres the nearest bank? = Craad tan banc sniessey?
Go down the road and turn right = Gow sheese y raad as çhyndaa my-yesh.
What are the parks like? = Cre goll rish ta ny pairkyn?
Very good = Feer vie.
Theres a wonderful view from here = Ta reayrt yindyssagh voish shoh.
Yes, look at the sea and the mountains = She, jeeagh er y cheayn as ny sleityn.
Is there much for tourists to do here? = Vel monney ry-yannoo son turrysee ayns shoh?
+ ? -
am, are, is Ta Vel Cha nel
am, are, is She Nee Cha nee