General Certificate in Manx Module 3

Unit # Description:

Food and Drink

Outcomes to be accredited

In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to


  1. Express simple opinions about food
  2. Accept / decline offers of food and drink
  3. Ask for food and table items
  4. Ask for a drink, snack or simple meal
  5. Ask about availability of food and drink
  6. Express opinions about a meal

  7. React to offers of food or drink, giving reasons (E)
  8. Express appreciation and pay compliments (E)
  9. Ask others if they need food (E)
  10. Ask for a little, a lot, more/say they have enough (E)


  1. Understand an enquiry about food and drink.

  2. Understand general opinions of others about eating.

  3. Understand others giving information about their prefences.

  4. Appreciate others outlining and discussing the benefits of particular food (E).


  1. Understand a basic menu.

  2. Ingredients for receipe.


  1. Leave a message for others to prepare a meal.


Outcomes to be accredited

In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to


  1. Ask where particular shops/supermarkets are
  2. Ask about and understand opening/closing times
  3. Ask for items, giving simple description: colour, size, who it is for
  4. Express quantity required: weight, volume container
  5. Express simple opinions about shopping
  6. Say they will/will not buy something
  7. Discuss shopping facilities and preferences, including opening and closing times (E)
  8. Say they will/will not buy something, giving the reason (E)
  9. Ask for a refund or replacement giving reason (E)


  1. Understand general questions about shopping.

  2. Understand others giving information about their shopping habits.

  3. Appreciate others outlining and discussing the benefits of particular shops (E).


  1. Understand general questions about one’s shopping.

  2. Understand others giving information about their shopping.

  3. Appreciate the benefits of particular shops (E).

  4. Understand information about discounts, special offers, reductions and sales (E).


  1. Inform others others where you shop.

  2. Say how one is feeling (G) and include such remarks in letters, notes and messages as appropriate (E).

  3. Outline and discuss the benefits of particular shops (E).


Outcomes to be accredited

In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to


  1. Give and ask for directions to facilities.

  2. Give and ask for further information (distance, opening times, transport, etc.).


  1. Understand directions to facilities.

  2. Understand a request for further information (distance, opening times, transport, etc.)


  1. Understand a request for information as specified above.

  2. Understand information contained in letters, messages, memos and notes giving instructions on how to get to a place.


  1. Give instructions in written form showing how to get to facilities.

  2. Give further information as requested (distance, opening times, transport, etc.)


Outcomes to be accredited

In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to


  1. Give others information about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by one’s area and ask others for the same.
  2. Express simple opinions on the above.
  3. Give a more thorough appraisal of the above (E).


  1. Understand a request to give information about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by one’s area.
  2. Understand specific questions about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by one’s area.
  3. Understand others giving information about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by an area.
  4. Understand other people’s simple opinions about the above.
  5. Understand others giving a more thorough appraisal of the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by an area (E).


  1. Understand both handwritten and printed descriptions of the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by one’s area.
  2. Understand a request to give information about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by one’s area.
  3. Understand specific questions about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by one’s area.
  4. Understand other people’s simple opinions about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by an area.
  5. Understand others giving a more thorough appraisal of the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by an area (E).
  6. Compare two area from written documentation (E).


  1. Give information about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by one’s area, in paragraph or note form.
  2. Ask others for similar information.
  3. Produce an assessment of the leisure facilities of an area in a variety of forms (pie charts, histograms, notes, etc.).

Personal leisure pursuits

Outcomes to be accredited

In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to


  1. Give details of activities and interests.
  2. Say what one did recently and what one would like to do in the future.
  3. Ask others about activities and interests.
  4. Ask others about their sporting / outdoor activities.
  5. Ask others what they did recently and would like to do in the future.
  6. Express opinions on activities as detailed above.
  7. Invite others to participate in an activity.


  1. Understand a request to give details about one’s activities and interests / hobbies.
  2. Understand details given by others about their activities and interests.
  3. Distinguish between someone saying what they did and what they are going to do.
  4. Understand an invitation to participate.


  1. Understand a request to give details about one’s activities and interests.
  2. Understand details given by others about their activities and interests.
  3. Distinguish between someone sayingwhat they did and what they are going to do.
  4. Understand an explanation of an activity.
  5. Understand an invitation to participate.
  6. Understand information presented in tabular form on leisure activities.
  7. Interpret and draw conclusions from the above (E).


  1. Give details of indoor activities and interests pursued in the home or elsewhere, e.g., TV, music, dancing (when, where, with whom, how often).
  2. Give details of one’s sporting activities.
  3. Say what one did recently and what one would like to do in the future.
  4. Ask others about their activities and interests.
  5. Express opinions on activities and interests.
  6. Complete a questionnaire on hobbies and leisure.
  7. Produce an assessment of the indoor pursuits of a group of people using notes, pie charts, histograms.


Outcomes to be accredited

In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to


  1. Ask about / suggest an appropriate activity / entertainment.
  2. Accept / refuse an invitation to go out either for oneself or on behalf of others.
  3. Ask what entertainments and activities are available.
  4. Find out the cost of entry / participation.
  5. State the number and type of tickets required.
  6. Find out about starting and finishing times.
  7. Find out how to get there.
  8. Arrange a meeting time and place, as appropriate.
  9. Deal with problems that might arise (lost tickets, late arrival, transport problems, etc.) (E).


  1. Understand replies given in answer to enquiries made under Speaking.
  2. Understand an invitation to go out.


  1. Understand an invitation to go out.
  2. Understand information on leisure activities as contained in a brief text.
  3. Understand and appreciate information on leisure activities as contained in an extended text (E).


  1. Ask what entertainments and activities are available.
  2. Accept / refuse an invitation to go out either for oneself or on behalf of others.
  3. Find out the cost of entry / participation.
  4. State the number and type of tickets required.
  5. Find out about starting and finishing times.
  6. Find out how to get there.
  7. Arrange a meeting time and place, as appropriate.
  8. Produce a memo / letter giving details of arrangements one has made for oneself or on behalf of someone else.

Evidence to be offered

Student: Completed worksheet(s) -

Teacher: Checklist or tape recording of student performance -

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