General Certificate in Manx Module 3
Unit # Description:
Food and Drink
Outcomes to be accredited
In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to
- Express simple opinions about food
- Accept / decline offers of food and drink
- Ask for food and table items
- Ask for a drink, snack or simple meal
- Ask about availability of food and drink
- Express opinions about a meal
- React to offers of food or drink, giving reasons (E)
- Express appreciation and pay compliments (E)
- Ask others if they need food (E)
- Ask for a little, a lot, more/say they have enough (E)
- Understand an enquiry about food and drink.
- Understand general opinions of others about eating.
- Understand others giving information about their prefences.
- Appreciate others outlining and discussing the benefits of particular food (E).
- Understand a basic menu.
- Ingredients for receipe.
- Leave a message for others to prepare a meal.
Outcomes to be accredited
In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to
- Ask where particular shops/supermarkets are
- Ask about and understand opening/closing times
- Ask for items, giving simple description: colour, size, who it is for
- Express quantity required: weight, volume container
- Express simple opinions about shopping
- Say they will/will not buy something
- Discuss shopping facilities and preferences, including opening and closing times (E)
- Say they will/will not buy something, giving the reason (E)
- Ask for a refund or replacement giving reason (E)
- Understand general questions about shopping.
- Understand others giving information about their shopping habits.
- Appreciate others outlining and discussing the benefits of particular shops (E).
- Understand general questions about ones shopping.
- Understand others giving information about their shopping.
- Appreciate the benefits of particular shops (E).
- Understand information about discounts, special offers, reductions and sales (E).
- Inform others others where you shop.
- Say how one is feeling (G) and include such remarks in letters, notes and messages as appropriate (E).
- Outline and discuss the benefits of particular shops (E).
Outcomes to be accredited
In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to
- Give and ask for directions to facilities.
- Give and ask for further information (distance, opening times, transport, etc.).
- Understand directions to facilities.
- Understand a request for further information (distance, opening times, transport, etc.)
- Understand a request for information as specified above.
- Understand information contained in letters, messages, memos and notes giving instructions on how to get to a place.
- Give instructions in written form showing how to get to facilities.
- Give further information as requested (distance, opening times, transport, etc.)
Outcomes to be accredited
In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to
- Give others information about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by ones area and ask others for the same.
- Express simple opinions on the above.
- Give a more thorough appraisal of the above (E).
- Understand a request to give information about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by ones area.
- Understand specific questions about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by ones area.
- Understand others giving information about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by an area.
- Understand other peoples simple opinions about the above.
- Understand others giving a more thorough appraisal of the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by an area (E).
- Understand both handwritten and printed descriptions of the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by ones area.
- Understand a request to give information about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by ones area.
- Understand specific questions about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by ones area.
- Understand other peoples simple opinions about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by an area.
- Understand others giving a more thorough appraisal of the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by an area (E).
- Compare two area from written documentation (E).
- Give information about the opportunities for leisure pursuits offered by ones area, in paragraph or note form.
- Ask others for similar information.
- Produce an assessment of the leisure facilities of an area in a variety of forms (pie charts, histograms, notes, etc.).
Personal leisure pursuits
Outcomes to be accredited
In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to
- Give details of activities and interests.
- Say what one did recently and what one would like to do in the future.
- Ask others about activities and interests.
- Ask others about their sporting / outdoor activities.
- Ask others what they did recently and would like to do in the future.
- Express opinions on activities as detailed above.
- Invite others to participate in an activity.
- Understand a request to give details about ones activities and interests / hobbies.
- Understand details given by others about their activities and interests.
- Distinguish between someone saying what they did and what they are going to do.
- Understand an invitation to participate.
- Understand a request to give details about ones activities and interests.
- Understand details given by others about their activities and interests.
- Distinguish between someone sayingwhat they did and what they are going to do.
- Understand an explanation of an activity.
- Understand an invitation to participate.
- Understand information presented in tabular form on leisure activities.
- Interpret and draw conclusions from the above (E).
- Give details of indoor activities and interests pursued in the home or elsewhere, e.g., TV, music, dancing (when, where, with whom, how often).
- Give details of ones sporting activities.
- Say what one did recently and what one would like to do in the future.
- Ask others about their activities and interests.
- Express opinions on activities and interests.
- Complete a questionnaire on hobbies and leisure.
- Produce an assessment of the indoor pursuits of a group of people using notes, pie charts, histograms.
Outcomes to be accredited
In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to
- Ask about / suggest an appropriate activity / entertainment.
- Accept / refuse an invitation to go out either for oneself or on behalf of others.
- Ask what entertainments and activities are available.
- Find out the cost of entry / participation.
- State the number and type of tickets required.
- Find out about starting and finishing times.
- Find out how to get there.
- Arrange a meeting time and place, as appropriate.
- Deal with problems that might arise (lost tickets, late arrival, transport problems, etc.) (E).
- Understand replies given in answer to enquiries made under Speaking.
- Understand an invitation to go out.
- Understand an invitation to go out.
- Understand information on leisure activities as contained in a brief text.
- Understand and appreciate information on leisure activities as contained in an extended text (E).
- Ask what entertainments and activities are available.
- Accept / refuse an invitation to go out either for oneself or on behalf of others.
- Find out the cost of entry / participation.
- State the number and type of tickets required.
- Find out about starting and finishing times.
- Find out how to get there.
- Arrange a meeting time and place, as appropriate.
- Produce a memo / letter giving details of arrangements one has made for oneself or on behalf of someone else.
Evidence to be offered
Student: Completed worksheet(s) -
Teacher: Checklist or tape recording of student performance -
CODE NO. TCG 3 / #