The American Inheritance 10.1.3 Yn Eiraght Americaanagh 10.1.3

In the café, Ealee wants Sy thie-bee, ta Ealee laccal
to find out about Kirree's passport. feddyn magh mychione kied-troailt

Ealee: Aren't you worried about Nagh vel oo boirit mychione
your passport? dty chied-troailt?

Kirree: Yes, a bit. Ta, beggan.
But it'll be all right in the end. Agh bee eh mie dy liooar sy jerrey.

Ealee: What's at the bottom of it? C'red ta bun y chooish?

Kirree: The Cleveland police Ta meoiryn-shee Cleveland
think someone is smooinaghtyn dy vel peiagh ennagh
impersonating me. jannoo arrish orrym.

Ealee: How do we know Kevys dooin
you are Kirree Crennell? dy vel uss Kirree Crennell?

Kirree: You have to believe me, T'eh erriu credjal mish,
that's all! shen ooilley!

Ealee is very doubtful. Ta Ealee feer ourysagh.