Part 11.1 Ayrn 11.1
The American Inheritance 11.1.1 Yn Eiraght Americaanagh 11.1.1
Ealee, Juan and Kirree go back Ta Ealee, Juan as Kirree goll erash
to Ealee and Juan's house. dys thie Ealee as Juan.
There is a police car outside Ta carr-pollys çheu-mooie jeh'n
the house. thie.
When he sees them coming, Tra t'eh fakin ad çheet,
Inspector Jones gets out of the car. ta'n Scruteyr Jones çheet magh ass
y gleashtan.
Inspector Jones: Excuse me, Kirree, Gow-shiu my leshtal, Chirree,
can I have a word with you? noddym taggloo riu?
Kirree: Sure. The same room? Son shickyrys. Yn çhamyr cheddin?
They go into the house and shut T'ad goll stiagh sy thie as jeigh
themselves in the sitting room. ad hene sy çhamyr-soie.
Ealee: She's got hold of the house T'ee er ghlackey'n thie
now! But maybe this is the nish! Agh foddee dy vel shoh'n
end of her! jerrey jee!
Ealee and Juan await Ta Ealee as Juan fuirraghtyn rish
the outcome with great interest. yn eiyrtys lesh anaase mooar.