Y Scoill Module 4 The School
Er-ash dys Scoill
Back to School
er-ash (err-ASH) - back
dys scoill (duss-SKOLL) - to school
Catreeney: Bee ny paitchyn goll er-ash dys scoill Jemayrt.
Ealish: Bee, dy jarroo. Vel Breeshey trimshagh?
Catreeney: Cha nel. S'mie lhee yn scoill.
Ealish: S'mie shen. Cha row mish coontey monney jeh'n scoill!
Catreeney: Mish noadyr. Agh ta Breeshey jeeaghyn roee lesh y vrastyl noa.
Catreeney (kat-REEN-a) - Catherine
ny paitchyn (na-PAACH-un) - the children
The singular of 'paitchyn' is 'paitchey' (PAACH-a), 'a child'.
It is more usual for nouns ending in '-ey' to have plurals ending in '-aghyn':
shilley (SHILL-ya) - sight
shillaghyn (SHILL-yakh-un) - sights
Ealish (AYL-ish) - Alice; Elizabeth
Breeshey (BREEZH-a) - Brigid, Bridget
Yn Imbagh Noa
The New Term
yn imbagh (in-IMB-akh) - the term; the season
Ealish: C'red va Breeshey coontey jeh'n chied laa ec y scoill?
Catreeney: Feer vie. Cha nel fys ain er y nah laa, y treeoo laa as y chiarroo laa! Agh bee ish mie dy liooar.
Ealish: C'red t'ee coontey jeh'n ynseyder noa?
Catreeney: S'mie lesh Breeshey ee.
c'red? (KERR-id) - what?
va (vaa) - was, were
yn chied (in-H'YIDD) - the first
laa (laa) - day
ec y scoill (EGG-a-SKOLL) - at the school
feer vie (feer-VY) - very good
Cha nel fys ain (ha-NELL-fiss-INE) - We don't know
y nah (a-NAH) - the second
Literally, 'Cha nel fys ain' means 'There is not knowledge at us'.
In Manx, if we know about something, we have knowledge on it:
Cha nel fys ain er y nah laa (ha-NELL-fiss-INE-err-a-NAA-laa) - We don't know about the second day ('We haven't knowledge on the second day')
y treeoo (a-TREE-oo) - the third
y chiarroo (a-H'YERR-oo) - the fourth
Note the following:
queigoo (KWEGG-oo) - fifth
sheyoo (SHAY-oo) - sixth
shiaghtoo (SHAKHT-oo) - seventh
hoghtoo (HAWKHT-oo) - eighth
nuyoo (NEE-oo) - nineth
jeihoo (JY-oo) - tenthSo, to get the 'ordinals' 5th to 10th, we simply add '-oo' to the number.
bee ish (bee-ish) - she will be
ynseyder (INNZ-a-der) - teacher
Answer these in Manx.
Ec y Scoill
At School
Ealish: Cre ny cooishyn-scoill s'mie lesh Breeshey?
Catreeney: S'mie lhee y chooid smoo jeu. Agh cha mie lhee goll snaue.
Ealish: S'mie lhee Baarle, maddaght as sheanse?
Catreeney: S'mie lhee. S'mie lhee Gaelg neesht.
cooish (koosh) - case, cause; subject
cooishyn-scoill (KOOSH-un-SKOLL) - school subjects
The word 'cooish') will be more familiar to some people in the context of having 'tey as cooish' ('tea and a gossip').
Note that 'Cre ny cooishyn-scoill?' (KRA-na-KOOSH-un-SKOLL) means 'Which school subjects?'
lhee (l'yee) - with her
s'mie lhee (smy-l'yee) - she likes ('is good with her')
cha mie lhee (ha-MY-l'yee) - she doesn't like ('not good with her')
cooid (koodj) - goods, merchandise
smoo (smoo) - more, most
jeu (ja-oo/jow) - of them
maddaght (MATH-akht) - mathematics
sheanse (SHEE-anss) - science
Gaelg (gillg) - Manx language
neesht (n'yiss) - also
As in other Celtic languages, one word forms of prepositions plus personal pronouns are a central feature of Manx. These are used in idioms, such as:
lhiam (l'yamm) - with-me: s'mie lhiam - I like ('is good with-me')
lesh (lesh) - with-him: s'mie lesh - he likes ('is good with-him')
lhien (l'yinn) - with-us: s'mie lhien - we like ('is good with-us')
lhieu (L'YAA-oo)-with-them: s'mie lhieu - they like ('is good with-them')
Troailt dys y Scoill
Travelling to School
troailt (TROH-ilt) - travelling
Ealish: Cre'n aght ta Breeshey goll dys y scoill?
Catreeney: T'ee shooyl. My t'eh ceau, ta mee cur markiaght jee.
Ealish: Cha nel shiu cummal feer foddey veih'n scoill.
Catreeney: Cha nel. Dy beagh shin cummal boayl ennagh elley, veagh eh beggan doillee.
shooyl (SHOO-ul) - walking
my (ma) - if
'My' (pronounced 'ma' where the 'a' has a vague sound: 'muh') can mean various things in Manx: 'if', 'my' and 'before'.
The meaning is clear from the context.
t'eh ceau (tay-K'YOW) - it's raining
ta mee cur (tamm-ee-KURR) - I give
Remember that Manx has only one form of the present tense, so
'ta mee cur' means 'I give', 'I am giving' or 'I do give'.
markiaght (MARK-yakht) - a lift (in a car)
jee (jee) - to her
cha nel shiu cummal (ha-NELL-shoo - KUMM-al) - you don't live
feer foddey (feer-FAWTH-a) - very far
veih (va-ee) - from
dy (the) - if
dy beagh shin (the-BEE-akh-shin) - if we would be
Manx has two words for 'if':
boayl (bawl) - a place
ennagh (enn-YAKH) - some
elley (ELL-ya) - other
veagh eh (VEE-akh-a) - it would be
beggan doillee (BEGG-an-DOLE-ee) - a bit difficult
am, are, is Ta Vel Cha nel
would be Veagh Beagh Cha beagh
Answer these in Manx.
Lessons start at ten past nine = Ta ny lessoonyn goaill toshiaght ec jeih minnid lurg nuy.
On Mondays, we study English, Manx and mathematics = Gagh Jelune, ta shin jannoo studeyrys er Baarle, Gaelg as maddaght.
They have a break at half past ten = Ta brishey oc ec lieh-oor lurg jeih.
They have lunch at one oclock = Ta kirbyl oc ec nane er y chlag.
Lessons start again at two oclock = Ta ny lessoonyn goaill toshiaght reesht ec jees er y chlag.
How big is the school? There are three hundred and sixty-two pupils in it =
Cre cho mooar as tan scoill? Ta tree cheead, tree feed as jees dy ynseydee aynjee.
This is a school building and thats another one = Shoh troggal-scoill as shen fer elley.
How many students are there? Seven hundred and eighty-four = Quoid studeyr tayn? Shiaght cheead as kiare feed as kiare.
There are buildings everywhere. Some are one storey and some are two storeys = Ta troggalyn dy chooilley voayl. Ta un laare ec kuse jeu as daa laare ec kuse elley.
When do the lessons start? = Cuin ta ny lessoonyn goaill toshiaght?
Lessons start at quarter past nine. Theres a break at half-past ten = Ta ny lessoonyn goaill toshiaght ec kerroo lurg nuy. Ta brishey ec lieh-oor lurg jeih.
How do you get to school? = Cren aght tou goll dys scoill?
I walk / go on the bus / get a lift = Ta mee shooyl / goll er y varroose / geddyn heiss
They go home by bike = Tad goll dy valley er roar.
How long are the lessons? Forty minutes = Cre cho foddey as ta ny lessoonyn? Daeed minnid.
I think the lessons are too long = Ta mee smooinaghtyn dy vel ny lessoonyn ro foddey.
He thought the lessons were far too short = Ren eh smooinaghtyn dy row ny leaghtyn foddey ro ghiare.
I dont think we have enough breaks = Cha nel mee smooinaghtyn dy vel brishaghyn dy liooar ain.
I dont think anyone should go out at lunchtime = Cha nel mee smooinaghtyn dy lhisagh peiagh erbee goll magh ec traa-kirbyl.
Well do these subjects today: maths, French, English and history = Neemayd ny cooishyn shoh jiu: maddaght, Frangish, Baarle as shennaghys.
We did these subjects yesterday: geography, Manx, physical education, German and music = Ren shin ny cooishyn shoh jea: çheer-oaylleeaght, Gaelg, ynsagh corpoil, Germaanish as kiaull.
ynsagh corpoil
In science, we studied physics, chemistry and biology = Ayns sheanse, va shin jannoo studeyrys er fishig, kemmig as bea-oaylleeaght.
fishig kemmig
When will the Spanish lesson start? = Cuin vees y lessoon Spaainish goaill toshiaght?
I thought the teaching was excellent = Smooinee mee dy row yn ynsagh mie er bashtal.
He thinks the teaching was terrible = Teh smooinaghtyn dy row yn ynsagh agglagh.
They couldnt hear the teacher = Cha dod ad clashtyn yn ynseyder.
The students couldnt read the material on the board =
Cha dod ny studeyryn lhaihn stoo ver y voayrd.