Module 4

aeragh airy
aght way, manner
ardjaghey promotion
argid money
ass obbyr. unemployed.
aundyryn prizes
awree-eeastee fish soup
ayn in (existence)
ayns Gaelg in Manx
baare pinnacle
Baarle English language
bancyn banks
banks bancyn.
Bare lhiam I’d prefer
beagh.....? Would..... be?
beaghey living
beayn permanent
bee food
bee will be, there will be
bee eh it will be
bee ish she will be
Bee shiu goaill ...? Will you be taking...?
beggan a little
ben-lhee doctor (woman)
blein year
boallagh used to
boayl place
boayl-obbyr work place
braew. fine
braghtanyn sandwiches
brastyl class
brastyl-coontysseyraght accountancy class
brastyllyn- çhengaghyn language classes
brastyllyn-oie night classes
Breeshey Brigid, Bridget
Bretin Wales
Britaanish Breton language
briw Deemster; judge
bunnys nearly
bunnys marrooit nearly killed
bwane stall
c'red? what?
caillin-etlan air hostess
carbyd-livrey delivery vehicle
Catreeney Catherine
ceau raining
ceau throwing
ceau fliaghey raining
Celtiagh Celtic
cha bee will not be, there will not be
Cha bee eh It will not be
cha jagh did not go
cha lhiass dhyt you need not
cha mie lhee she doesn't like
Cha nel fys ain We don't know
Cha nel shen kiart That's not right.
cha nel shin ro vie we're not too good
cha row mish I wasn't
çheer country
çheet gy kione finishes
çheh hot, warm
çheu-mooie. outside
çhiass heat
çhirrym dry
cho feayr as so/as cold as
cho fliugh as so / as wet as
cho maynrey so happy
cho treih so miserable
cholleish college
çhyndaa my-yesh turn right
claaraghey register
clashtyn hearing
co-earrooaght computing
co-hirraghyn competitions
co-hirrey competition
co-loayrtys conversation
coagyrey cooking, cook
Colleish College
colught company
cooid goods, merchandise
cooish case, cause; subject
cooishyn-scoill school subjects
cooishyn-ynsee academic subjects
coontey counting, reckoning
coontysseyr accountant
coontysseyraght accountancy
coorse course
coorse-keim degree course
coorse-kiartey career
coorse-traenal training course
coorseyn courses
cosney earn
cowraghyn marks
cre goll rish vees eh? what will it be like?
credjal believing
Cronk Keeill Eoin Tynwald Hill
cruinnaght assembly
cummal living
cur magh giving out
doillee difficult
dooie true, natural
dooin hene for ourselves
doouryn reservoirs
dou for me, to me
dy if
dy beagh shin if we would be
dy choilley hourey every summer
dy firrinagh truly
dy jeean earnestly, fervently
dy mie well
dys scoill to school
dys yn chirveish to the service
Ealish Alice; Elizabeth
earisheyr journalist
ec y cholleish at the college
ec y traa kiart at the right time
ec yn Chruinnaght at the Cruinnaght
eddyr between, inter-
eddyr-agglishagh between churches
eddyr-Cheltiagh inter-Celtic
eirinagh farmer
elley other
ellyn art
emshyr weather
ennagh some
Eoin John
er bashtal above all
er roar-bree. by motorbike
er ve have been
er y chlag. o’clock
er y laue hoshtal on the left
er-ash back
er-lhiam pene I myself think
ersooyl away; gone
eu at you
faggys da near to
faill wages
failleydee employees
feailley festival
feayr cold
feeackleyr dentist
feer foddey very far
feer vie very good
fer-lhee doctor
fest noz night festival
fir-post postmen
fliaghey rain
fliugh wet
foast still; yet
fockle ny ghaa a word or two
foddee perhaps
foddee ad they can
Foddee oo You can
foddey ro heh far too hot
follym empty
folteyr hairdresser
fosley opening
fouyr autumn
fuinneyder baker
Gaelg Manx language
gagh each
geayeeagh windy
geayll shiu did you hear?
geurey winter
gial bright
giense party; gala
gimman driving
gleashtan car
goaill taking
goaill arrane singing
goaill soylley taking enjoyment
goll er dooney shut
goll er loayrt being spoken
gyn ourys without doubt
gyn ourys erbee without any doubt
hannah already
Heill mish I thought
hie mee I went
hoghtoo eighth
imbagh season
imbagh term
imbaghyn seasons
immanagh driver
jagh oo? did you go?
jagh shiu? did you go?
jallooyn-soilshee diagrams
jannoo assee da doing harm to
jannoo mooar jeh. impresse
jannoo studeyrys er studying
jee to her
jeeagh er look at
jeeaghyn looking
jeean earnest, fervent
jeeragh straight
jeihoo tenth
jeu of them
jiu today
jough drink
jummal waste
keayrt dy row once, one time
keeill church
kegeesh afortnight
keim degree
kiartey job
kiaulleeaght music
kirbyl lunch
kiune calm
laa day
Laa Tinvaal Tynwald Day
laccal want
laghyn seyrey holidays
leaghtyn. lectures
lectrey electrician
leighder lawyer
lesh with-him
leval-A A-level
lhee with her
lheid such
lheihys medicine
lhiam with-me
lhien with-us
lhieu with-them
lieh-oor lurg half past
lurg after
maddaght mathematics
mairagh tomorrow
margey market
Margey Keeill Eoin Tynwald Fair
markiaght lift
mee-startaght unemployment
meoir-shee. policeman
mie er bashtal excellent
mleeaney this year
moghrey Jesarn Saturday morning
monney much
my if
nagh vel? is ?
nah second
nah laa second day
Nar lhig eh Jee! God forbid!
nee? is it?
neesht also
noadyr neither
nuyoo nineth
ny haaue retired
ny jean boirey don’t worry
ny-yeih shen as ooilley nevertheless
nyn our, your, their
obbree workman
obbrinagh mechanic
obbyr work
obbyr chooie suitable work
obbyr-shayll shift work
offish office
offishyn offices
oikoil official
ollooscoill university
paalan mooar marquee
paart jeu some of them
paitchyn children
qualleeaghtyn qualifications
queigoo fifth
raaidyn roads
reddyn elley other things
rieau ever
rish ymmodee blein for many years
ro chostal too expensive
ro olk too bad
roee before her
roish foddey before long
roish shen before that
ry-gheddyn available, to be had
s’feer shen that’s true
s'mie lhee she likes
S'mie lhien We like
s'mie lhieu They like
s'mie shen that's good
S’treih lhiam I’m sorry
sauçhey safe
scammyltagh scandalous
scanshoil important
scoill school
scrutaghtyn exams
seose yn ughtagh up the hill
shapp-lioaragh. bookshop
share best, better
Share lhiam I prefer
sharmanys ceremony
she it is
sheanse science
shen yn aght' that's the w
sheyoo sixth
shiaghtoo seventh
shillaghyn sights
shilley sight
Shimmey There are lots
shinney older
shooyl walking
slattyssyn acts
sleih people
smoo more, most
smooinaghtyn thinking
snaue swimming
soiaghey jeh esteeming
Sostyn England
sourey summer
studeyryn shinney mature students
sy traa ry-heet. in future
sy vea ayms in my life
sy Vritaan in Brittany
syn arragh in the spring
syn Oriant in Lorient
t'eh ceau it's raining
T’eh cliaghtey ceau it usually rains
Ta feme ayd er You need
Ta mee credjal I believe
ta mee cur I give
ta mee jerkal I hope
ta shiu er ve you have been
taaue retired
taishbynys exhibition
taitnyssagh pleasant
tannaghtyn staying
teisht certificate
Teishtyn Cadjin General Certificates
thie er mayl house to rent
thie-bee restaurant
thie-jannoo factory
thie-lheihys hospital
thie-oast hotel
toshiaght beginning
traenal training
trimshagh sad
troailt travelling
v'eh er ny yannoo it was done
v'ou geaishtagh rish you were listening
va was, were
va mee gobbraghey I was working
va mish ayn neesht I was there as well
Veagh Would be
veagh eh it would be
veagh shen that would be
veih from
What? Cre
y chiarroo the fourth
y Rank France
y Spaainey Spain
y treeoo the third
y treeoo raad third turning
y Vritaan Brittany
yindyssagh wonderful
ymlaaragh multi-storey
ymmodee many
yn chied the first
Yn Chruinnaght The Cruinnaght
yn jees oc both
yn Oriant L'Orient
ynseyder teacher

a little beggan
A-level leval-A
above all er bashtal
academic subjects cooishyn-ynsee
accountancy coontysseyraght
accountancy class brastyl-coontysseyraght
accountant coontysseyr
acts slattyssyn
afortnight kegeesh
after lurg
air hostess caillin-etlan
airy aeragh
Alice; Elizabeth Ealish
already hannah
also neesht
art ellyn
assembly cruinnaght
at the college ec y cholleish
at the Cruinnaght ec yn Chruinnaght
at the right time ec y traa kiart
at you eu
autumn fouyr
available ry-gheddyn
away; gone ersooyl
back er-ash
baker fuinneyder
bancyn. banks
banks bancyn
before her roee
before long roish foddey
before that roish shen
beginning toshiaght
being spoken goll er loayrt
believing credjal
best, better share
between churches eddyr-agglishagh
between, inter- eddyr
bookshop shapp-lioaragh.
both yn jees oc
Breton language Britaanish
bright gial
Brigid, Bridget Breeshey
Brittany y Vritaan
by motorbike er roar-bree.
calm kiune
car gleashtan
career coorse-kiartey
case, cause; subject cooish
Catherine Catreeney
Celtic Celtiagh
ceremony sharmanys
certificate teisht
children paitchyn
church keeill
class brastyl
cold feayr
college cholleish
College Colleish
company colught
competition co-hirrey
competitions co-hirraghyn
computing co-earrooaght
conversation co-loayrtys
cook coagyrey.
cooking coagyrey
counting, reckoning coontey
country çheer
course coorse
courses coorseyn
Cre What?
day laa
Deemster; judge briw
degree keim
degree course coorse-keim.
delivery vehicle carbyd-livrey
dentist feeackleyr
diagrams jallooyn-soilshee
did not go cha jagh
did you go? jagh oo?
did you go? jagh shiu?
did you hear? geayll shiu
difficult doillee
doctor fer-lhee
doctor (woman) ben-lhee
doing harm to jannoo assee da
don’t worry ny jean boirey
drink jough
driver immanagh
driving gimman
dry çhirrym
each gagh
earn cosney
earnest, fervent jeean
earnestly, fervently dy jeean
eighth hoghtoo
electrician lectrey
employees failleydee
empty follym
England Sostyn
English language Baarle
esteeming soiaghey jeh
ever rieau
every summer dy choilley hourey
exams scrutaghtyn
excellent mie er bashtal
exhibition taishbynys
factory thie-jannoo
far too hot foddey ro heh
farmer eirinagh
festival feailley
fifth queigoo
fine braew.
finishes çheet gy kione
fish soup awree-eeastee
food bee
for many years rish ymmodee blein
for me, to me dou
for ourselves dooin hene
France y Rank
from veih
General Certificates Teishtyn Cadjin
giving out cur magh
God forbid! Nar lhig eh Jee!
goods, merchandise cooid
hairdresser folteyr
half past lieh-oor lurg
have been er ve
hearing clashtyn
heat çhiass
holidays laghyn seyrey
hospital thie-lheihys
hot, warm çheh
hotel thie-oast
house to rent thie er mayl
I believe Ta mee credjal
I give ta mee cur
I hope ta mee jerkal
I myself think er-lhiam pene
I prefer Share lhiam
I thought Heill mish
I was there as well va mish ayn neesht
I was working va mee gobbraghey
I wasn't cha row mish
I went hie mee
I’d prefer Bare lhiam
I’m sorry S’treih lhiam
if dy
if my
if we would be dy beagh shin
important scanshoil
impresse jannoo mooar jeh
in (existence) ayn
in Brittany sy Vritaan
in future sy traa ry-heet.
in Lorient syn Oriant
in Manx ayns Gaelg
in my life sy vea ayms
in the spring syn arragh
inter-Celtic eddyr-Cheltiagh
is ? nagh vel?
is it? nee?
it is she
it usually rains T’eh cliaghtey ceau
it was done v'eh er ny yannoo
it will be bee eh
It will not be Cha bee eh
it would be veagh eh
it's raining t'eh ceau
job kiartey
John Eoin
journalist earisheyr
L'Orient yn Oriant
language classes brastyllyn- çhengaghyn
lawyer leighder
lectures leaghtyn.
lift markiaght
living beaghey
living cummal
look at jeeagh er
looking jeeaghyn
lunch kirbyl
Manx language Gaelg
many ymmodee
market margey
marks cowraghyn
marquee paalan mooar
mathematics maddaght
mature students studeyryn shinney
mechanic obbrinagh
medicine lheihys
money argid
more, most smoo
much monney
multi-storey ymlaaragh
music kiaulleeaght
near to faggys da
nearly bunnys
nearly killed bunnys marrooit
neither noadyr
nevertheless ny-yeih shen as ooilley
night classes brastyllyn-oie
night festival fest noz
nineth nuyoo
o’clock er y chlag.
of them jeu
office offish
offices offishyn
official oikoil
older shinney
on the left er y laue hoshtal
once, one time keayrt dy row
opening fosley
other elley
other things reddyn elley
our, your, their nyn
outside çheu-mooie.
party; gala giense
people sleih
perhaps foddee
permanent beayn
pinnacle baare
place boayl
pleasant taitnyssagh
policeman meoir-shee.
postmen fir-post
prizes aundyryn
promotion ardjaghey
qualifications qualleeaghtyn
rain fliaghey
raining ceau
raining ceau fliaghey
register claaraghey
reservoirs doouryn
restaurant thie-bee
retired taaue, ny haaue
roads raaidyn
sad trimshagh
safe sauçhey
sandwiches braghtanyn
Saturday morning moghrey Jesarn
scandalous scammyltagh
school scoill
school subjects cooishyn-scoill
science sheanse
season imbagh
seasons imbaghyn
second nah
second day nah laa
seventh shiaghtoo
she doesn't like cha mie lhee
she likes s'mie lhee
she will be bee ish
shift work obbyr-shayll
shut goll er dooney
sight shilley
sights shillaghyn
singing goaill arrane
sixth sheyoo
so / as wet as cho fliugh as
so happy cho maynrey
so miserable cho treih
so/as cold as cho feayr as
some ennagh
some of them paart jeu
Spain y Spaainey
stall bwane
staying tannaghtyn
still; yet foast
straight jeeragh
studying jannoo studeyrys er
such lheid
suitable work obbyr chooie
summer sourey
swimming snaue
taking goaill
taking enjoyment goaill soylley
teacher ynseyder
tenth jeihoo
term imbagh
that would be veagh shen
that's good s'mie shen
That's not right. Cha nel shen kiart
that's the w shen yn aght'
that’s true s’feer shen
The Cruinnaght Yn Chruinnaght
the first yn chied
the fourth y chiarroo
the third y treeoo
There are lots Shimmey
they can foddee ad
They like s'mie lhieu
thinking smooinaghtyn
third turning y treeoo raad
this year mleeaney
throwing ceau
to be had ry-gheddyn
to her jee
to school dys scoill
to the service dys yn chirveish
today jiu
tomorrow mairagh
too bad ro olk
too expensive ro chostal
training traenal
training course coorse-traenal
travelling troailt
true, natural dooie
truly dy firrinagh
turn right çhyndaa my-yesh
Tynwald Day Laa Tinvaal
Tynwald Fair Margey Keeill Eoin
Tynwald Hill Cronk Keeill Eoin
unemployed. ass obbyr.
unemployment mee-startaght
university ollooscoill
up the hill seose yn ughtagh
used to boallagh
very far feer foddey
very good feer vie
wages faill
Wales Bretin
walking shooyl
want laccal
was, were va
waste jummal
way, manner aght
We don't know Cha nel fys ain
We like S'mie lhien
we're not too good cha nel shin ro vie
weather emshyr
well dy mie
wet fliugh
what will it be like? cre goll rish vees eh?
what? c'red?
will be, there will be bee
will not be, there will not be cha bee
Will you be taking...? Bee shiu goaill ...?
windy geayeeagh
winter geurey
with her lhee
with-him lesh
with-me lhiam
with-them lhieu
with-us lhien
without any doubt gyn ourys erbee
without doubt gyn ourys
wonderful yindyssagh
word or two fockle ny ghaa
work obbyr
work place boayl-obbyr
workman obbree
Would be Veagh
Would..... be? beagh.....?
year blein
You can Foddee oo
you have been ta shiu er ve
You need Ta feme ayd er
you need not cha lhiass dhyt
you were listening v'ou geaishtagh rish