Yn Emshyr Module 4 The Weather
Ta'n emshyr mie.
The weathers good.
Start a conversation by referring to the weather
Ta'n emshyr braew. Ta. Ta'n emshyr braew.
The weather is fine. Yes. The weather is fine.
Ta'n emshyr mie. Ta. Ta'n emshyr mie.
The weather is good. Yes. The weather is good.
Ta'n emshyr çhirrym. Cha nel, ta'n emshyr fliugh.
The weather is dry. No, the weather is wet.
Ta'n emshyr braew.
Ta'n emshyr olk. Cha nel, ta'n emshyr jesh.
The weather is bad. No, the weather is nice.
Ta'n laa cheh. Ta'n oie feayr.
The day is warm. The night is cold.
Cha nel, ta'n emshyr fliugh.
Start a conversation by referring
to the weather
Ny h-Imbaghyn
The Seasons
imbagh (IMM-bakh) - season
imbaghyn (IMM-bakh-un) - seasons
Note the unusual plural for imbagh. We might have expected imbee or imbeeyn, but the plural is actually imbaghyn.
Also, if we have the (ny) before a plural noun which starts with a vowel, in classical Manx we insert the letter h, as in the title above.
Ean: Cha lhiass dhyt boirey. Tan sourey ersooyl, bunnys. Bee eh feayr roish foddey. Tan fouyr as y geurey cheet.
Peddyr: Smie shen. Cha nel mee er ve cho cheh as shoh sy vea ayms.
Ean: Foddee dy bee eh myr shoh dy chooilley hourey.
Peddyr: Nar lhig eh Jee! Ta mee jerkal dy bee eh fliugh sy gheurey as syn arragh. Ta ny doouryn bunnys follym nish.
Ean: Ny jean boirey. Teh cliaghtey ceau ayns Mannin.
cha lhiass dhyt (ha-LYASS-dut) - you need not
This is literally not need to-you. I need is slhiass dou (SLYASS-dow) - is need to-me.
ersooyl (er-SOOL) away; gone
bunnys (BUNN-iss) nearly
roish foddey (rohsh-FAWTH-a) before long
y fouyr (a-FOWR) the autumn
y geurey (a-GYOW-ra) the winter
Cha nel mee er ve cho cheh as shoh (ha-NELL-mee-err-VAY-ho-CHAY-azz-SHAW) - I havent been so/as hot as this.
cho fliugh as (ho-FLYUKH-azz) - so / as wet as
cho feayr as (ho-FOOR-azz) - so/as cold as
sy vea ayms (sa-VAY-imm-iss) - in my life
dy choilley hourey (the-KHULL-ya-HOW-ra) - every summer
dy chooilley changes s to h.
Nar lhig eh Jee! (narr-LYIGG-a-JEE) - God forbid!
ta mee jerkal (TAMM-ee-JERK-al) - I hope
syn arragh (sin-YARR-akh) - in the spring
ny doouryn (na-DOOR-un) - the reservoirs
follym (FOLL-um) - empty
ny jean boirey (na-JINN-BURR-a) - dont worry
Teh cliaghtey ceau (tay-KLYAKH-ta-KYOW) - it usually rains
Yn Emshyr
The Weather
emshyr (EMM-sher) - weather
yn emshyr (in-EMM-sher) - the weather
feayr (foor) - cold
fliugh (fl'yukh) - wet
çheh (chay) - hot
çhirrym (CHIRR-um) - dry
kiune (k'yoon) - calm
geayeeagh (GAY-ee-akh) - windy
emshyr vie (EMM-sher-VY) - good weather
Note that we say 'Moghrey mie' but 'Emshyr vie': 'moghrey' is a masculine word while 'emshyr' is feminine.
The 'm' in 'mie (good) changes to 'v' after feminine words. 'Oie vie'
('Goodnight') is another example of this.
Whenever we talk of 'emshyr' or 'oie', we should use 'she'. 'Moghrey' is 'he'.
Juan: Bee emshyr vie ayn mairagh?
Finlo: Cha nel fys aym. Cha nel emshyr vie ayn jiu.
Juan: She, ceau fliaghey as geayeeagh. Beeym goll er y vaatey mairagh.
Finlo: Bee eh mie dy liooar. Cha bee eh feayr as fliugh. Bee eh kiune, çheh as çhirrym!
Sourey Cheh
A Hot Summer
sourey (SOW-ra) - summer
cheh (chay) - hot
Ean: She emshyr yindyssagh tayn, gyn ourys erbee.
Peddyr: She, yn sourey share rish ymmodee blein. Agh, dy firrinagh, cha mie lhiam yn chiass. She Manninagh dooie mish.
Ean: Ny bee cho treih. Jeeagh er yn aght ta sleih cho maynrey. Foddee ad goaill soylley jehn emshyr as beaghey cheu-mooie ny smoo.
Peddyr: Sfeer shen. Agh ny-yeih shen as ooilley, er-lhiam pene dy vel eh foddey ro heh. Ta mish bunnys marrooit ec yn chiass.
She emshyr yindyssagh tayn (shay-EMM-sher-YIND-iss-akh-TAWN) - Its wonderful weather (Its wonderful weather (which) is in).
gyn ourys erbee (ginn-OW-riss-er-BEE) - without any doubt
she (shay) - it is (yes)
share (share) - best, better
To say the best X, we sandwich X between yn and share:
yn sourey share (in-SOW-ra-SHARE) - the best summer
ymmodee (IMM-oth-ee) - many
blein (blayn) - a year
Often, rish means to. Here, it means for:
rish ymmodee blein (rish-IMM-oth-ee-BLAYN) - for many years
Note that we can leave blein in the singular here.
dy firrinagh (the-FIRR-in-yakh) - truly
yn chiass (in-CHASS) - the heat
dooie (DOO-ee) - true, natural
cho treih (ho-TRY) - so miserable
jeeagh er yn aght (JEE-akh-err-in-AKHT) - look at (on) the way
cho maynrey (ho-MAAN-ra) - so happy
foddee ad (FOTH-ee-ad) - they can
goaill soylley (goyll-SOLE-ya) - taking enjoyment
beaghey (BAY-akh-a) - living
cheu-mooie (chow-MOO-ee) - outside
sfeer shen (sfeer-SHEN) - thats true
ny-yeih shen as ooilley (na-YA-ee-SHEN-azz-ULL-ya) - nevertheless
er-lhiam pene (err-lyamm-PEEN) - I myself think
After a word ending in m, hene (heen/heedn), meaning self, becomes pene (peen/peedn).
foddey ro heh (FAWTH-a-raw-HAY) - far too hot
bunnys marrooit (BUNN-iss-MARR-oo-it) - nearly killed
Weather and Leisure
Emshyr as Soccar
Its raining again = Teh ceau (fliaghey) reeshtagh.
Its too wet to go walking = Teh ro fliugh dy gholl shooyl.
The pitch is too wet to play football = Tan faaie ro fliugh dy chloie bluckan-coshey.
What was the weather like? Wet and squally = Cre goll rish van emshyr? Fliugh as rastagh.
Whats the weather like? Fine and dry = Cre goll rish tan emshyr? Braew as çhirrym.
Its nice and hot - lets go swimming = Teh braew çheh - lhig dooin goll snaue.
The sun was shining in the riders faces = Van ghrian soilshean er eddinyn ny markee.
It snowed and it was ideal for skiing = Ren eh ceau sniaghtey as veh mie er bashtal son sheeal.
Its terribly cold - too cold to watch the game = Teh feayr agglagh - ro feayr dy ve jeeaghyn er y ghamman.
It wont be frosty tomorrow - the pitch will be all right = Cha bee rio ayn mairagh - bee y faaie mie dy liooar.
It wont be windy enough for good sailing = Cha bee eh geayagh dy liooar son shiaulley mie.
They wont be racing today: its misty on the Mountain Road = Cha bee ad ratçhal jiu: teh fo-chay er Giat y Clieau.
Itll be cloudy. So it wont be too hot at the tennis match = Bee eh bodjallagh. Myr shen, cha bee eh ro çheh ec y chochloie-bassag.
What will the weather be like tomorrow? I dont know
= Cre goll rish vees yn emshyr mairagh? Cha saym