Part 15.1 Ayrn 15.1

The American Inheritance 15.1.1 Yn Eiraght Americaanagh 15.1.1

Subsequently, there is a big story on Lurg shen, ta skeeal mooar er y
television about Kirree. çhellveeish mychione Kirree.
Ealee and Juan are astounded. Ta Ealee as Juan goaill yindys mooar.

Ealee: Look, they say the FBI and Jeeagh, t'ad gra dy vel laue ec yn and CIA are involved in it! FBI as y CIA ayn!

Juan: Involved in what? Laue ayns c'red?

Ealee: Criminals trying to launder Kimmee prowal dy niee argid- drugs money, they say. druggaghyn, t'ad gra.

Someone knocks at the front door. Ta peiagh ennagh crankal ec y dorrys-toshee.
Juan goes to the door and opens it. Ta Juan goll dys y dorrys as fosley eh.

There is a young woman Ta ben aeg
standing there. ny shassoo ayns shen.

Young woman: Good evening. Fastyr mie.
I'm Michelle Cohen from CNN. Mish Michelle Cohen veih CNN.
I believe Mary Schwartz was Ta mee credjal dy row Mary living here? Schwartz cummal ayns shoh?

Juan: Uhh...Yes..

Michelle: What was she like? Cre goll rish v'ee?

Juan: She was all right.. V'ee mie dy liooar..

Michelle: And did you suspect As row drogh-ourys ayd
that she was an dy row ee ny
international criminal? kimmagh eddyrashoonagh?

Ealee comes to the door. Ta Ealee çheet dys y dorrys.

Ealee: What's happening here? C'red ta taghyrt ayns shoh?

Juan: It's CNN, asking about Kirree. She CNN t'ayn, briaght mysh Kirree.

Ealee: We know nothing. Cha nhione dooin veg.

Michelle: Did you suspect anything? Row drogh-ourys eu er red erbee?

Ealee: I suspected from the start... Va drogh-ourys aym veih'n toshiaght...

Juan: You didn't! Cha row!

Ealee: We don't want to be Cha nel shin laccal dy ve
on television. er y çhellveeish.

Michelle: That's a pity. S'treih shen.
We're filming now. Ta shin filmey nish.

Ealee and Juan flee inside. Ta Ealee as Juan çhea stiagh.