aa-chiarkylley recycling
aa-hroggal rebuilding
aer air; sky
agglagh awful
aggle fear
agh but
agh my vees but if there will be
ain at us
Ard y Jiass the South Pole
Ard y Twoaie the North Pole
ard-whaiyl Hostyn the British parliament
arral offering
assee harm; damage
awin a river
ayndoo in them
ayns shee in peace
ayrn part
baatyn boats
beemayd geddyn baase we’ll be dying
beemayd surranse we’ll be suffering
beiyn animals
bentyn rish concerning
bieauid speed
bioyr active
bioyrid activity
bioyrid-goull radioactivity
bleaystanyn bombs
bleaystanyn-loshtee incendiary bombs
boayllyn places
boirit worried
booa a cow
buill elley other places
caggey war; battle
caghlaaghyn changes
cagliagh limit; boundary
carbydyn vehicles
ceau throwing
cha beagh would not be
cha bee veg faagit nothing will be left
cha gredjym I won’t believe
cha jean ad cur they will not give
cha jean eh cheet it will not come
cha lhiass dhyt boirey you needn’t worry
cha nel monney there isn’t much
cha nel uss boirit you aren’t worried
Cha noddym toiggal I can’t understand
Cha vaik mee I didn’t see
chammah as as well as
cheet dy ve becoming
cheet veih coming from it
chesh-veanagh nuclear
chiow warming
cho leah as as soon as
choud’s nagh vel shin as long as we’re not
choud’s t’ad faagit as long as they’re left
clash a tip
colughtyn companies
cooylley valve
cre mysh? what about?
cre’n aght what way (manner)
cre’n brock! what a mess!
cre’n fa nagh vod..? why can’t..?
cre’n fa nagh vodmayd..? why can’t we..?
cre? what?
cronk-rioee iceberg
cruinney globe; earth
cummaltee ynnydagh local residents
cur putting
cur er e hoshiaght promoting
cur er sleih makes people
cur geill da giving attention to (paying attention to)
da’n to the
daa-osseed charboan carbon dioxide
doghan disease
doghan-inchyn brain disease
doghan-inchyn ollee BSE
dooghyssagh natural
Doon Edin Edinburgh
dooney ny sooillyn shuts the eyes
drogh-haghyrtyn accidents
dy beagh shen kiart if that were right
dy bee that will be
dy chooilley vaagh every animal
dy chooilley voayl everywhere
dy chur to put; to give
dy dooar ad that they found
dy fardailagh vainly, in vain
dy firrinagh truly
dy gheddyn rey rish to get rid of
dy h-erreeishagh sympathetically
dy hroggal to build
dy jinnagh ish gee if she ate
dy kiart correctly
dy nee that it is
dy ren that...did
dy row.. that ... was
dy veiyn of animals
dy vel ad er chur that they’ve put
dy vel ee er lhaih. that she has read.
dy vel eh er roie. that he has run.
dyn sy chooyrt ayms not in my (back) yard (NIMBY)
earroo dy ‘leih number of people
ec y derrey voayl at the one place
eck at her
eddyr between
eeastyn fish (plural)
eiyrtys effect; consequence
elley other
ennagh some
er jeet after coming
er vrishey has broken
er y gherrid recently
er y naight on the news
er-nonney or else
faggys da near to
feanish witness
feer faase very weak
feill meat
feill-vart beef
feiy’n Ellan throughout the Island
feme need
fo raad under way
fo-halloo under ground
foastagh still
foddee dy bee maybe there will be
foddee dy vel maybe so
Foddee nagh vel. Perhaps not.
foddey far
foddey ny smoo far more
fodmayd we can
fodmayd jannoo we can do
fow rey rish get rid of it
fuirraghtyn waiting
gaase growing
garroo rough
gassyn gases
gaueagh dangerous, hazardous
geayl coal
geddyn baase dying
geddyn rey rish getting rid of
geddyn thalloo er-ash land reclamation
geill attention
gimman driving
girree rising
goaill aggle roish taking fear before’ (being afraid of)
goaill ayns laue taking in hand (undertaking)
goaill boggey taking joy’ (being glad)
goaill rish taking unto’ (admitting, confessing)
goaill stiagh including
Goaldagh British
gobbraghey working
goll er arral being offered
goll rish resembling
goll stiagh going into
gorley disease
goull ray; beam
gow! take!
grait ec said by
haghyr eh it happened
harrish y cheayn over the sea
heese down (at rest)
hig y lhied the like will come
hoal over there
honnick mee I saw
inchyn brains
injil low
iu! drink!
jaagh smoke
jannoo doing; making
jeant hannah done already
jeh'n of the
jeih meeiley as feed thirty miles
keayn sea
keead meeiley syn oor 100 mph
keeadyn dy eeastyn hundreds of fish
keint noa a new type
kiarail intending
kiarkil circles
kied permission
kyndagh rish because of
laccal lostey wanting to burn
leoie ashes
lhaih mee I read
lheie melting
lheihys jeianagh modern treatment
Lhiats dy firrinagh Yours truly.
lhieeney filling
lhisagh oo you ought
losht burnt
lostey burning
losteyder incinerator
lowal da allowing
lught yn argid the people with money
lughtyn-reill authorities
lurg after
Mannagh vees..jeant.. If..is not done..
margey market
marrey of (the) sea; marine
marrooagh lethal
marrooit killed
mie ny sie good or bad
moal slow
mooynlagh sewage
musthaa uproar
my t’ou giu if you drink
my vees if (there) will be
my-e-chione about it; about him
mychione about
mychione shen about that
myr shen like that
nagh row ... that ... was not
nagh row ad shickyr that they weren’t sure
neose down (from above)
niart strength
nieu poison
noa new
noadyr neither
noi echey against it
noi shen against that
ny in his/her/its
ny dyn or not
ny faarkaghyn the oceans
ny ghaa or two
ny s’choe hotter
ny s’feayr colder
ny smoo more
ny smoo as ny smoo more and more
ny smoo sauchey na safer than
ny smoo shickyr more sure
oaylleeagh scientific
oddagh ad they could
ollee of cattle
ooill oil
orch the refuse, rubbish
oural offering; sacrifice
ow injil
paart part; some
paart jeh’n lheid some of the like
paitchyn children
peiagh aeg a young person
plutoyniu plutonium
pooar power
ram lots; many
reaghit decided
reamys room (space)
red ennagh something
Reeriaght Unnaneyssit United Kingdom
reesht again
reih a choice
reiltys government
ren eh taghyrt it happened
Rheynn Ynsee Department of Education
rio ice
ro happee too fast
ro leah too early
roaganyn scallops
roie stiagh running into
roish before
roish my vees eh before it will be
rouyr stoo too much stuff
ry-gheddyn to be found/had
s’agglagh it’s awful
S’agglagh dy bee.. It’s terrible that..will be..
s’cummey it doesn’t matter
s’mooar lhiam I begrudge
saase method
sauchey safe
scammyltagh disgraceful
seihll world
seose up
seyr free
sharroo bitter
she it is (‘yes’)
she yn reiltys it’s the government
shiartanse dy ‘leih some (of) people
shirrey looking for, seeking
shirveishagh a minister
skeayley spreading
skeeal story
slane keoi completely mad
slane strateysh whole strategy
slaynt vie good health
sleih ennagh some people
sluggey swallowing
smoo cadjin commonest
smooinee mish I thought
sollaghey pollution
speeideilagh successful
sy cheayn in the sea
sy Rank in France
t’ad cheet dy ve they are becomin
t’ad gra they say
t’ad loayrt they’re talking
T’ee er lhaih She has read
T’ee lhaih She is reading
T’eh er roie He has run
T’eh jeeaghyn it appears
T’eh roie He is running
t’ou smooinaghtyn you think
ta cheet voish which comes from
ta mee credjal I believe
ta shen jannoo that does/makes
ta skeealyn ayn there are stories (in)
tannaghtyn staying
tappee fast, quick
thalloo ground, land
thie-gless greenhouse
thie-lheihys hospital
thunnaghyn tons
toiggal understanding
tooilley raad more road
traieyn shores
tree feed meeiley syn oor sixty mph
treealtys proposal
trimshagh sad
troaghyn currents
troggal building
trooid Crosby ooilliu all through Crosby
tuittym falling
unnid unit
ushtey water
va bentyn rish which was
Vaik oo? Did you see?
veagh ceaut would be spent
veih-my-cheilley apart
Vel oo smooinaghtyn? Do you think?
whilleen as many
y cheer vooar Oarpagh the European mainland
y Glass the River Glass
y nah the second
y red kiart the right thing
y Rheynn Arraghey The Department of Transport
yindys wonder
yinnin goaill I would take
ymmydey using

about mychione
about it; about him my-e-chione
about that mychione shen
accidents drogh-haghyrtyn
active bioyr
activity bioyrid
after lurg
after coming er jeet
again reesht
against it noi echey
against that noi shen
air; sky aer
all through ..... trooid ..... ooilliu
allowing lowal da
animals beiyn
apart veih-my-cheilley
as long as they’re left choud’s t’ad faagit
as long as we’re not choud’s nagh vel shin
as many whilleen
as soon as cho leah as
as well as chammah as
ashes leoie
at her eck
at the one place ec y derrey voayl
at us ain
attention geill
authorities lughtyn-reill
awful agglagh
because of kyndagh rish
becoming cheet dy ve
beef feill-vart
before roish
before it will be roish my vees eh
being offered goll er arral
between eddyr
bitter sharroo
boats baatyn
bombs bleaystanyn
brain disease doghan-inchyn
brains inchyn
British Goaldagh
BSE doghan-inchyn ollee
building troggal
burning lostey
burnt losht
but agh
but if there will be agh my vees
carbon dioxide daa-osseed charboan
changes caghlaaghyn
children paitchyn
choice reih
circles kiarkil
coal geayl
colder ny s’feayr
coming from it cheet veih
commonest smoo cadjin
companies colughtyn
completely mad slane keoi
concerning bentyn rish
correctly dy kiart
cow booa
currents troaghyn
dangerous, hazardous gaueagh
decided reaghit
Department of Education Rheynn Ynsee
Did you see? Vaik oo?
disease doghan, gorley
disgraceful scammyltagh
Do you think? Vel oo smooinaghtyn?
doing; making jannoo
done already jeant hannah
down (at rest) heese
down (from above) neose
drink! iu!
driving gimman
dying geddyn baase
Edinburgh Doon Edin
effect; consequence eiyrtys
every animal dy chooilley vaagh
everywhere dy chooilley voayl
falling tuittym
far foddey
far more foddey ny smoo
fast, quick tappee
fear aggle
filling lhieeney
fish (plural) eeastyn
free seyr
gases gassyn
get rid of it fow rey rish
getting rid of geddyn rey rish
giving attention to (paying attention to) cur geill da
globe; earth cruinney
going into goll stiagh
good health slaynt vie
good or bad mie ny sie
government reiltys
greenhouse thie-gless
ground, land thalloo
growing gaase
harm; damage assee
has broken er vrishey
He has run T’eh er roie
He is running T’eh roie
hospital thie-lheihys
hotter ny s’choe
hundred mph keead meeiley syn oor
hundreds of fish keeadyn dy eeastyn
I begrudge s’mooar lhiam
I believe ta mee credjal
I can’t understand Cha noddym toiggal
I didn’t see Cha vaik mee
I read lhaih mee
I saw honnick mee
I thought smooinee mish
I won’t believe cha gredjym
I would take yinnin goaill
ice rio
iceberg cronk-rioee
if (there) will be my vees
if she ate dy jinnagh ish gee
if that were right dy beagh shen kiart
if you drink my t’ou giu
If..is not done.. Mannagh vees..jeant..
in France sy Rank
in his/her/its ny
in peace ayns shee
in the sea sy cheayn
in them ayndoo
incendiary bombs bleaystanyn-loshtee
incinerator losteyder
including goaill stiagh
injil low
intending kiarail
it appears T’eh jeeaghyn
it doesn’t matter s’cummey
it happened haghyr eh, ren eh taghyrt
it is (‘yes’) she
it will not come cha jean eh cheet
it’s awful s’agglagh
It’s terrible that..will be.. S’agglagh dy bee..
it’s the government she yn reiltys
killed marrooit
land reclamation geddyn thalloo er-ash
lethal marrooagh
like that myr shen
limit; boundary cagliagh
local residents cummaltee ynnydagh
looking for, seeking shirrey
lots; many ram
low injil
makes people cur er sleih
market margey
maybe so foddee dy vel
maybe there will be foddee dy bee
meat feill
melting lheie
method saase
minister shirveishagh
modern treatment lheihys jeianagh
more ny smoo
more and more ny smoo as ny smoo
more road tooilley raad
more sure ny smoo shickyr
natural dooghyssagh
near to faggys da
need feme
neither noadyr
new noa
new type keint noa
not in my (back) yard (NIMBY) dyn sy chooyrt ayms
nothing will be left cha bee veg faagit
nuclear chesh-veanagh
number of people earroo dy ‘leih
of (the) sea; marine marrey
of animals dy veiyn
of cattle ollee
of the jeh'n
offering arral
offering; sacrifice oural
oil ooill
on the news er y naight
or else er-nonney
or not ny dyn
or two ny ghaa
other elley
other places buill elley
over the sea harrish y cheayn
over there hoal
part ayrn
part; some paart
Perhaps not. Foddee nagh vel.
permission kied
places boayllyn
plutonium plutoyniu
poison nieu
pollution sollaghey
power pooar
promoting cur er e hoshiaght
proposal treealtys
putting cur
radioactivity bioyrid-goull
ray; beam goull
rebuilding aa-hroggal
recently er y gherrid
recycling aa-chiarkylley
resembling goll rish
rising girree
river awin
room (space) reamys
rough garroo
running into roie stiagh
sad trimshagh
safe sauchey
safer than ny smoo sauchey na
said by grait ec
scallops roaganyn
scientific oaylleeagh
sea keayn
sewage mooynlagh
She has read T’ee er lhaih
She is reading T’ee lhaih
shores traieyn
shuts the eyes dooney ny sooillyn
sixty mph tree feed meeiley syn oor
slow moal
smoke jaagh
some ennagh
some (of) people shiartanse dy ‘leih
some of the like paart jeh’n lheid
some people sleih ennagh
something red ennagh
speed bieauid
spreading skeayley
staying tannaghtyn
still foastagh
story skeeal
strength niart
successful speeideilagh
swallowing sluggey
sympathetically dy h-erreeishagh
take! gow!
taking fear before (being afraid of) goaill aggle roish
taking in hand (undertaking) goaill ayns laue
taking joy (being glad) goaill boggey
taking unto (admitting, confessing) goaill rish
that ... was dy row..
that ... was not nagh row ...
that does/makes ta shen jannoo
that he has run. dy vel eh er roie.
that it is dy nee
that she has read. dy vel ee er lhaih.
that they found dy dooar ad
that they weren’t sure nagh row ad shickyr
that they’ve put dy vel ad er chur
that will be dy bee
that...did dy ren
the British parliament ard-whaiyl Hostyn
The Department of Transport y Rheynn Arraghey
the European mainland y cheer vooar Oarpagh
the like will come hig y lhied
the North Pole Ard y Twoaie
the oceans ny faarkaghyn
the people with money lught yn argid
the refuse, rubbish orch
the right thing y red kiart
the River Glass y Glass
the second y nah
the South Pole Ard y Jiass
there are stories (in) ta skeealyn ayn
there isn’t much cha nel monney
they are becoming t’ad cheet dy ve
they could oddagh ad
they say t’ad gra
they will not give cha jean ad cur
they’re talking t’ad loayrt
thirty miles jeih meeiley as feed
throughout the Island feiy’n Ellan
throwing ceau
tip clash
to be found/had ry-gheddyn
to build dy hroggal
to get rid of dy gheddyn rey rish
to put; to give dy chur
to the da’n
tons thunnaghyn
too early ro leah
too fast ro happee
too much stuff rouyr stoo
truly dy firrinagh
under ground fo-halloo
under way fo raad
understanding toiggal
unit unnid
United Kingdom Reeriaght Unnaneyssit
up seose
uproar musthaa
using ymmydey
vainly, in vain dy fardailagh
valve cooylley
vehicles carbydyn
very weak feer faase
waiting fuirraghtyn
wanting to burn laccal lostey
war; battle caggey
warming chiow
water ushtey
we can fodmayd
we can do fodmayd jannoo
we’ll be dying beemayd geddyn baase
we’ll be suffering beemayd surranse
what a mess! cre’n brock!
what about? cre mysh?
what way (manner) cre’n aght
what? cre?
which comes from ta cheet voish
which was va bentyn rish
whole strategy slane strateysh
why can’t we..? cre’n fa nagh vodmayd..?
why can’t..? cre’n fa nagh vod..?
witness feanish
wonder yindys
working gobbraghey
world seihll
worried boirit
would be spent veagh ceaut
would not be cha beagh
you aren’t worried cha nel uss boirit
you needn’t worry cha lhiass dhyt boirey
you ought lhisagh oo
you think t’ou smooinaghtyn
young person peiagh aeg
Yours truly. Lhiats dy firrinagh
