R11 ‘Can’ and ‘Ought’
These are ‘defective’ verbs in Manx - some parts are missing.

Present and Future Tense of foddym
foddym - I can, I am able cha noddym/voddym - I can’t
foddee oo - you can cha nod/vod oo - you can’t
foddee eh - he/it can cha nod/vod eh - he/it can’t
fodmayd - we can cha nodmayd/vodmayd - we can’t
foddee shiu - you can cha nod/vod shiu - you can’t
foddee ad - they can cha nod/vod ad - they can’t

noddym?/voddym? - can I? nagh noddym/voddym? - can’t I?
nod/vod oo? - can you? nagh nod/vod oo? - can’t you?
nod/vod eh? - can he/it? nagh nod/vod eh? - can’t he/it?
nod/vod ee? - can she/it? nagh nod/vod ee? - can’t she/it?
nodmayd?/vodmayd? - can we? nagh nodmayd/vodmayd? -can’t we?
nod/vod shiu? - can you? nagh nod/vod shiu? - can’t you?
nod/vod ad? - can they? nagh nod/vod ad? - can’t they?

Past Tense of foddym
dod mee - I could, I was able cha dod mee-I couldn’t,I wasn’t able
dod oo - you were able cha dod oo - you weren’t able
dod eh - he/it was able cha dod eh - he/it wasn’t able
dod ee - she/it was able cha dod ee - she/it wasn’t able
dod shin - we were able cha dod shin - we weren’t able
dod shiu - you were able cha dod shiu - you weren’t able
dod ad - they were able cha dod ad - they weren’t able

dod mee? - could I?, was I able? nagh dod mee?-wasn’t I able?
dod oo? - were you able? nagh dod oo? - weren’t you able?
dod eh? - was he/it able? nagh dod eh? - wasn’t he/it able?
dod ee? - was she/it able? nagh dod ee? - wasn’t she/it able?
dod shin? - were we able? nagh dod shin? - weren’t we able?
dod shiu? - were you able? nagh dod shiu? - weren’t you able?
dod ad? - were they able? nagh dod ad? - weren’t they able?

Conditional Tense of foddym
oddin - I could, I would be able cha noddin/voddin - I couldn’t, I wouldn’t be able
oddagh oo - you’d be able cha noddagh/voddagh oo - you wouldn’t be able
oddagh eh - he/it would be cha noddagh/voddagh eh - he/it
able wouldn’t be able
oddagh ee - she/it would be cha noddagh/voddagh ee - she/it
able wouldn’t be able
oddagh shin - we’d be able cha noddagh/voddagh shin - we
wouldn’t be able

oddagh shiu - you’d be able cha noddagh/voddagh shiu - you
wouldn’t be able
oddagh ad - they’d be able cha noddagh/voddagh ad - they
wouldn’t be able

Relative form of foddym: oddys
Y dooinney oddys snaue
- The man who can swim.

Lhisin (‘I ought’) only has the conditional tense:
lhisin - I ought cha lhisin - I ought not
lhisagh oo - you ought cha lhisagh oo - you ought not
lhisagh eh - he/it ought cha lhisagh eh - he/it ought not
lhisagh ee - she/it ought cha lhisagh ee - she/it ought not
lhisagh shin - we ought cha lhisagh shin - we ought not
lhisagh shiu - you ought cha lhisagh shiu - you ought not
lhisagh ad - they ought cha lhisagh ad - they ought not

lhisin? - ought I? nagh lhisin? - oughn’t I?
lhisagh oo? - ought you? nagh lhisagh oo? - oughtn’t you?
etc. etc.