R12 Numbers
Manx counts in twenties. Dealing with pure numbers first (no nouns):

unnane/nane - 1 nane-jeig - 11 (‘one on ten’)
jees - 2 daa-yeig -12
tree - 3 tree-jeig - 13
kiare - 4 kiare-jeig - 14
queig - 5 queig-jeig - 15
shey - 6 shey-jeig - 16
shiaght - 7 shiaght-jeig - 17
hoght - 8 hoght-jeig - 18
nuy - 9 nuy-jeig - 19
jeih - 10 feed - 20

nane as feed - 21 nane-jeig as feed - 31
jees as feed - 22 daa-yeig as feed - 32
tree as feed - 23 tree-jeig as feed - 33
kiare as feed - 24 kiare-jeig as feed - 34
queig as feed - 25 queig-jeig as feed - 35
shey as feed - 26 shey-jeig as feed - 36
shiaght as feed - 27 shiaght-jeig as feed - 37
hoght as feed - 28 hoght-jeig as feed - 38
nuy as feed - 29 nuy-jeig as feed - 39
jeih as feed - 30 daeed - 40
(‘two twenties’)

nane as daeed - 41 nane-jeig as daeed- 51
jees as daeed - 42 daa-yeig as daeed - 52
tree as daeed - 43 tree-jeig as daeed - 53
kiare as daeed - 44 kiare-jeig as daeed - 54
queig as daeed - 45 queig-jeig as daeed - 55
shey as daeed - 46 shey-jeig as daeed - 56
shiaght as daeed - 47 shiaght-jeig as daeed - 57
hoght as daeed - 48 hoght-jeig as daeed - 58
nuy as daeed - 49 nuy-jeig as daeed - 59
jeih as daeed - 50 tree feed - 60

tree feed as nane - 61 tree feed as nane-jeig - 71
tree feed as jees - 62 tree feed as daa-yeig - 72
tree feed as tree - 63 tree feed as tree-jeig - 73
tree feed as jeih - 70 kiare feed - 80

kiare feed as nane - 81 kiare feed as nane-jeig - 91
kiare feed as jeih - 90 keead / queig feed - 100

keead as feed / shey feed keead as daeed / shiaght feed
- 120 - 140
keead as tree feed / keead as kiare feed / nuy feed
hoght feed - 160 - 180

daa cheead - 200 tree cheead - 300
thousane - 1,000 millioon - 1,000,000

Note that jees can mean ‘two people’ and troor ‘three people’.

When we’re not simply counting ‘one’, ‘two’, three’,......., there are some changes - that is, when we say things like ‘One boat’, ‘two boats’, ‘three boats’,.......

The Manx for ‘boat’ is baatey and for ‘boats’ it is baatyn:

un vaatey - 1 boat un vaatey jeig - 11 boats
daa vaatey - 2 boats daa vaatey yeig - 12 boats
tree baatyn - 3 boats tree baatyn jeig - 13 boats
kiare baatyn - 4 boats kiare baatyn jeig - 14 boats
queig baatyn - 5 boats queig baatyn jeig - 15 boats
jeih baatyn - 10 boats feed baatey - 20 boats

un vaatey as feed - 21 boats un vaatey jeig as feed - 31 boats
daa vaatey as feed - 22 boats daa vaatey yeig as feed - 32 boats
tree baatyn as feed - 23 boats traa baatyn jeig as feed - 33 boats
jeih baatyn as feed - 30 boats daeed baatey - 40 boats

un vaatey as daeed - 41 boats un vaatey jeig as daeed - 51 boats
daa vaatey as daeed - 42 boatd daa vaatey yeig as daeed - 52 boats
tree baatyn as daeed - 43 boats tree baatyn jeig as daeed - 53 boats
jeih baatyn as daeed - 50 boats tree feed baatey - 60 boats

tree feed as un vaatey tree feed as un vaatey jeig
- 61 boats - 71 boats
tree feed as daa vaatey tree feed as daa vaatey yeig
- 62 boats - 72 boats
tree feed as tree baatyn tree feed as tree baatyn jeig
- 63 boats - 73 boats
tree feed as jeih baatyn kiare feed baatey - 80 boats
- 70 boats

kiare feed as un vaatey kiare feed as un vaatey jeig
- 81 boats - 91 boats
kiare feed as jeig baatyn keead baatey - 100 boats
- 90 boats

daa cheead baatey - 200 boats tree cheead baatey - 300 boats
thousane baatey - 1,000 boats millioon baatey - a million boats

So, from what’s above, we can see:
If we’re not dealing with numbers on their own (nouns like ‘boat’ are involved), we don’t use nane for ‘one’ and we don’t use jees for ‘two’ - we use un and daa
Nane, jees, tree
- One, two, three.
Un lioar, daa lioar, tree lioaryn - One book, two books, three books.

Ta nane aym - I’ve got one (Not un)
Vel jees ayd? - Have you got two? (Not daa)

All nouns stay in the singular after daa (‘Two book’), feed and multiples of twenty, keead, thousane and millioon.

Un and daa cause letter changes (lenition).

Nouns of measure (punt [pound], ping [penny], laa [day], mee [month], etc.) can be left in the singular all the time:
Shiaght punt - £7
Kiare mee jeig - 14 months

‘Year(s)’ is a special case:
blein - year bleeaney - of year(genitive case)
un vlein - 1 year daa vlein - 2 years
tree bleeaney - 3 years kiare bleeaney - 4 years
----------------------------------- --------------------------------------
nuy bleeaney - 9 years jeih bleeaney - 10 years
un vlein jeig - 11 years daa vlein yeig - 12 years

nuy bleeaney jeig - 19 years feed blein - 20 years

keead blein / queig feed blein - 100 years
daa cheead blein - 200 years
thousane blein - 1,000 years
millioon blein - 1,000,000 years

To put things in order, we use:
yn chied vaatey- the 1st boat
ny nah ghooinney - the 2nd man
yn trass, yn treeoo ven - the 3rd woman
yn chiarroo chayt - the 4th cat
yn wheiggoo vuc - the 5th pig
yn çheyoo chappan - the 6th cup
yn çhiaghtoo vlein - the7th year
yn hoghtoo wyllin - the 8th mill
yn nuyoo thie - the 9th house
yn jeihoo voayl - the 10th place

yn chied vaatey jeig - the 11th boat
yn nah ghooinney yeig - the 12th man
yn traa ven jeig - the 13th woman
yn feedoo vlein - the 20th year
yn jeihoo vlein as daeed - the 50th year
yn chied vlein jeig as daeed - the 51st year
yn tree feedoo vlein - the 60th year
yn tree feedoo vlein as jeih - the 70th year
yn chiare feedoo vlein - the 80th year
yn chiare feedoo vlein as jeih - the 90th year
yn cheeadoo vlein - the 100th year

The ordinal numbers cause lenition.